
Comparing Henry V And The War Of The Roses

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Of course, where there are similarities, there will be differences. The contrasts from History to Fiction are not as plentiful as the similarities however. For starters, absences. There really is no comparison for Tyrion, the drunken imp and second hand to Daenerys, in the War of the Roses. Nor is there any for Ramsey, Rickon Stark, and Lyanna Mormont. In the historical context, there is no link to the Princes in the Tower, the Earl of Warwick, or the Black Prince. For the characters who do compare to real life but not quite enough, one could start with Robert Baratheon to Henry V. While both are persuaded by their Queen, their incompetence is the key difference. Henry was simply a simple minded man, easily pushed to actions and was medically

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