
Comparing Hercules And Atalanta

Decent Essays

The term ‘hero’ is often used as a vague way to describe someone of great influence and importance. The characteristics of a hero remain timeless; strong, courageous, intelligent, and skillful barely scratch the surface. The idealized hero varies between cultures and countries, but Greek and Roman myths serve as the platform for our ideas. Deciding who is a hero is a simple task, but deciding the best hero requires much deeper thought. In Mythology, by Edith Hamilton, Perseus, Hercules, and Atalanta all embody the characteristics of a hero, however, Hercules is the strongest example. Strength, especially during the trials period of a hero’s journey, exemplifies one’s status as a hero. Hercules and Perseus are in the forefront of one’s mind when the characteristic of strength surfaces. Hercules had to show his might through the trials, while Perseus displayed his through the slaying of Medusa. “Hercules was the strongest man on Earth” (Hamilton 225), however, Perseus killed Medusa “With a single sweep of his sword” (Hamilton 204). Both the description of Hercules and the …show more content…

In the case of Atalanta, she received great guidance in order to become the heroic figure she is today. When Atalanta was abandoned, “A she-bear took charge of her” (Hamilton 246). With guidance being an integral part of a hero’s journey, Atalanta’s status of being raised under a she-bear projects her status as a hero further. While a hero receiving guidance from a god or mythical being may not seem heroic, Perseus receives support from a god, too. During his journey, Perseus has “two great gods… watching over him” (Hamilton 200). These ‘great gods’ enable Perseus to complete his otherwise impossible task. Without their assistance, Perseus would be considered a man who tried and failed, rather than succeeded. In conclusion, heroes are not those who always had the answer, but those who received support and guidance from others along the

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