
Comparing Imitation In Dante's Inferno And Don Quixote

Decent Essays

The concept of imitation is shown by how a writer copies ideas or storylines from older works and adds it to his version of the story. This concept is presented in many stories by the way the characters play their role similarly to an older story. Three texts that represent the concept of imitation very well are Dante’s Inferno, The Prince, and Don Quixote. Dante’s Inferno is written by Dante Alighieri. This story is about western cultural views and descriptions of the torments of Hell, expresses the concept of imitation in many ways. Dante often imitates the styles of great classical writers such as Homer, Ovid, Lucan, and Virgil. For example, Dante’s guide through hell is Virgil, who is the author of a famous story Aeneid, walks Dante through hell as he explains each level of the hell. Since Dante respects and admires Virgil’s stories, he imitates Virgil’s story Aeneid which Virgil talks about afterlife, and then adds his own perspective to it. Dante includes many classical literary elements in his story to indicate that Christianity has subsumed these old famous stories. …show more content…

This story is about a prince trying to acquire and maintain political powers of the government. One way Machiavelli shows the concept of imitation in The Prince is by stating it is very difficult for any prince to try ruling on conquered free states, that have their own laws and orders. So one of the options Machiavelli gives to The Prince is to cause a destruction on those states so that the people won’t ever rise against you. This advice imitates how Rome destroyed Carthage in order to stop the people from going against them. In that manner people would have no say I what the ruler

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