Henry V and Saint Joan are popular plays that are focused around the same time period. The main characters, King Henry and Joan of Arc, are both leaders in battle for the 100 years war between England and France in these productions. The play King Henry V focuses on the the English King and how he dealt with the war. It expresses ideas of King Henry that are empowering and strong-willed. He motivates his men using his high class position to enter the war and keep them full of hope and confidence throughout the battles. In Saint Joan, a young peasant girl named Joan believes God has spoken to her to lead an army and retrieve the crown for the Dauphin of France. Joan has to gain the trust of the men in power before she is set out on her mission. …show more content…
When the time comes for him to surge into war with France there are expectations that come with it. Being the King, he carries the trust of the country on his back as he leads his men through war. He is seen as a strong, powerful, and influential figure who cannot grow weary. Due to this status he is faced with a great deal of pressure to stay focused on what is important and stand his ground. There are massive expectations on his shoulders to be the leader, the inspiration, and the power because he is the King. He surpasses the expectations of his powerful position in the famous speech of Act IV scene iii. Heading into the battle of Agincourt, King Harry was firm and steady in empowering his men to fight regardless of how outnumbered they were “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers—for whoever sheds his blood with me today shall be my brother… And men back in English now safe in their beds will curse themselves for not having been here, and think less of their own manhood when they listen to the stories of those who fought with us here” (Sparknotes n.pg.). This speech is a powerful example of how King Henry uses his class status as the King to unite and motivate his men. If this speech would have been given by a person of middle class status it would have not been as impactful. It is because of King Henry’s influence over the men that makes it a successful speech. His important class role is the key to being a strong …show more content…
She is born a peasant and does not have any power in her society. Joan believes she has heard the voice of God telling her to lead an army of men to victory. Since she is of the lowest class status her challenge is to convince the nobles and Dauphine that she is worthy to lead in battle. She states her claim and gets a response of “I suppose you think raising a siege is as easy as chasing cows in a meadow. You think soldiering is anybody’s job?” (Saint Joan Act 1 n.pg). The nobles are making an analogy to farm life because of Joan’s class level. She has to somehow prove her worthiness because she is seen as someone who is incapable due to her societal place. No one in her time of her status would be given the opportunity to lead an army of men. As a result of this Joan faces the uphill battle of persuading these men of high status to trust in a peasant farm girl to retrieve the crown for the
we were glad that we won the fight because we did not want the British to take control of us. First, Henry uses ethos to be a credible speaker. He catches everyone's attention. For example, In the beginning of his speech " The Speech in the Virginia
Henry began his speech by emphasizing that although he is patriotic towards Britain, he has a different view on how to handle conflict with them. One of his most genius strategies is not discrediting the audience’s views, but delicately showing them a different one. “Different men often see the same subject in different lights” Henry builds ethos by expressing a religious passion. He shows himself as a Christian fighting for god. Henry attempts to show the illusion of hope by being the bearer of bad news.
Ancient river civilizations are agricultural civilizations that grew along rivers as the name suggests. Such civilizations benefited much from the benefits provided by the river which included drinking water supply, fish for food, transportation of people and goods as well as fertile land for the growth of crops. Ancient Egypt is an example of one of these early river valley civilizations, as it developed as a result of the Nile River. These river valley civilizations shared a quite a number of similarities, one of the being the construction of large structures as a show of wealth or way of appeasing gods and the development of unique building strategies.
In his speech, Henry uses a strong ethical appeal by being very respectful in order to show that he understands and respects his opponents argument but he also has some things to say that oppose him. In the very beginning of his speech he honors the man before him by saying “No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as the abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the house.” to gain the respect of his audience and captivate them into the rest of his speech. He also throughout the entirety of his speech said the word “sir” to respectively address the opponent.
Moreover, while building up his ethos, Henry uses pathos to give himself credibility. He uses words like freedom and slavery to move his audience to fight. His audience already agrees that freedom is worth fighting for but they lack the motivation to act. Henry knows this and creates his speech to remind them of the power of
Patrick Henry is most remembered for his powerful persuasive oratory. While other orators preached patience, Henry urges war against British with logical appeals, he persuaded the audience members to understand his point of view through common sense, specific evidence, and reasonable explanations and with emotional appeals, he was able to point out his views through imagery and diction, idealized explanations and a powerful connection to the audience. However, the main idea of his speech is to break free from the conformity of Great Britain because it is an easy route taken by many in our society.
n Shakespeare's King Henry V, King Henry prepares his troops for battle with a passionate speech about fighting, honor, and kinship. Henry uses strong ethos and pathos to persuade his men to fight the French, though they are outnumbered in the battle. Henry notes that his troops feel unprepared and overwhelmed for battle. This speech marks the moment where the boy Hal transforms into King Henry. For the first time, Henry takes on the role of a valiant king and takes control of the situation. He seizes the moment to prepare them and inspire them. Henry hopes by making an effective speech his men will understand why they need to fight.
Joan’s inspiration struck. The people of Joan’s village had already fled,but “Led by the voices of her saints, Joan traveled in May 1428 from Domrémy to Vaucouleurs, the nearest stronghold still loyal to the Dauphin, where she asked the captain of the garrison, Robert de Baudricourt, for permission to join the Dauphin” (britannica.com). But gaining respect in a male dominate society was going to be hard to for Joan.
Therefore, in the three examples provided above it restates to you how King Henry made his men, his soldiers come together as one. He knew the exact word to say to get them ready for the battle and it worked. This entire speech showed how he was a brilliant and wonderful communicator to all walks of life and to men of different social
King Henry was born to lead, as the next in line for the throne he was raised expecting the tasks that he had to face in adulthood. He knew as he drove his men to the Battle of Agincourt that they, as the lower class, would have no motivation to die for him. In his speech during Act III scene I he says, “...dear friends, attack it once more...on, on, you noblest English, whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof, fathers that, like so many Alexanders…” (88, line 17). This quote shows his attempt at making his men feel honorable and noble. He is telling his people that they are great, and need to fight as their
King Henry V, is one of the only successful monarchs in Shakespeare’s plays. He displays great strength and intelligence. King Henry V is capable of uniting all of his people in his St. Crispin’s Day speech as they prepare to go to battle. The troops were greatly outnumbered and believed they had no chance at winning. But King Henry makes them feel like they are part of something important, and by doing this he motivates them to fight their hardest.
King Henry V began to inspire his army with speeches that gave them pride, courage and hope. Shakespeare’s St. Crispen’s Day Speech puts in perspective how Henry V led his army to fight the French.
Unlike Hal, King Henry’s role consist of three qualities that radiate kingship, the traits being composed, assertive and commanding. Despite these traits being essential to kingship, they ultimately lead to the court turning against King Henry and planning a rebellion against him. When discussing news of war and casualties in his throne room, Henry remains composed and finds the positive points in the situation rather the
In Henry’s speech, he first sets the stage by using a proud tone while explaining the importance of war with Britain. His illustrious delivery of the speech itself is very moving, as the efforts to convince America to settle on the side of war. He goes on to convey, “Sir, we are not weak, if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power” (Henry 38). His tone of taking charge and only accepting the best from his country supports the claim that Henry is indeed the proud man he is. Henry also in his speech uses an enlightening tone to inspire his crowd he uses terms to explain how he will settle for only the best for the country. He uses phrases such as, “The war is inevitable-and let it come!” (38). This phrase brings up the emotion of the crowd as they believe in war, and Henry himself is full of power as he enforces that war must go on. He uses such enthusiasm and inspiration to uplift himself and the crowd to ensure that war is necessary. Overall, Henry;s tone of the proudness and
Henry V is a wise and loyal king, changing from a wild youth to a mature king. He is described to be an intelligent, thoughtful and an efficient statesman. He thinks carefully whether to invade France or not which represents his responsible character. King Henry gives a very strong speech which gave courage and confidence to his army that they could win the battle. This character describes him to be a king of great ability to fight and having good administrative skills. Throughout the play Henry’s nature is religious, merciful and compassionate.