Women are looked over in Othello but end up being the downfall of their male counterparts; It was Desdemona that was Othello’s greatest weakness and Emilia was Iago’s. This is alluding to Shakespeare being incredibly progressive in a time where women were widely renowned as objects of men. By analyzing and comparing aspects of both Emilia and Desdemona in the William Shakespeare play Othello This is illustrated in Othello by comparing the difference in the opinions between Emilia’s and Desdemona’s on taking and following orders from men, the double standard between men and women when it comes to human impulses and urges, and how hard a fight they will put up against a man. Emilia exhibits the traits of a modern feminist for her time.
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Desdemona had been conditioned by her society to think otherwise. She was taught that women were to have unwavering faith in their husbands and to never question them. Othello was convinced by the evil Iago that Desdemona had soiled his name by being unfaithful to him. During his cold streak, Emilia and Desdemona discuss the accusations made against her. In awe of the motion of a disobedient wife, Desdemona asks Emilia if the act of adultery was something that actually happened if Emilia believes “that there be women do abuse their husbands in such a gross kind” (4.3.68-69)? It is not that Desdemona does not understand what adultery is and that men commit it, it is the idea that a women would break her vows with her husband and act on a human impulse. Emilia attempts to explain that men and women are the same in that they are both humans, with impulses the same. Emilia fights for her opinion and tries to explain in a way that Desdemona would understand, saying “have their palates both for sweet and sour, as husbands have. What is it they do when they change us for others? Is it sport? And doth affection breed it? I think it doth? Is’t frailty that thus errs? It is so too. And have not we affections, desires for sport, and frailty, as men have?” (4.3.107-111). She draws on the fact that women are simply as human as men and they can make mistakes. Emilia also admits that for the right reasons …show more content…
Desdemona is oblivious to Othello’s plans until he begins to enact them on her. She insists her innocence during the entire process. Emilia enters Desdemona’s chamber unknowing of what had occurred to find her mistress wailing “o falsely, falsely murdered”(5.2.144) and “a guiltless death I die” (5.2.150). As Emily realizes what had happened she is sent into a rage of defending Desdemona’s faithfulness and pieces together Iago’s role in the planting of the idea. Emilia calls guards and screams at Othello, defending Desdemona. She continually insists Desdemona could and would never have cheated on Othello and responds to Othello’s accusation of Desdemona being unfaithful by saying “o, the more angle she, and you the blacker devil!” (5.2.161). Emilia not only draws on Desdemona’s angelic presence, but also Othello’s biggest insecurity; his ethnicity. The action of her referring him to a blacker devil not only associates Othello with the embodiment of all evil but also stripps him of his accomplishments by taking away his name and only speaking to his skin color. Iago rushes into the chamber and in an argument between them, kills Emilia because she exposed his role in the entire thing. Emilia’s last dying wish was to die next to her honorable mistress, proving Emilia’s complete devotion to
The basis of Shakespeare’s plays appears to focus mainly around the dominant male character and his conflicts, which tend to deal with a woman. There are only three women in the play Othello; Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca. The way in which these women behave and present themselves strongly reflects the ideological expectations of women within Shakespeare’s imagined Venetian society as well as the Elizabethan society in which he lived. This patriarchal Venetian society presented in the play depicts women as possessions of men who should remain submissive and meek at all times. The women are expected to unselfishly and unreservedly devote their lives to serve their fathers until they are of age to do so, their husbands. All three women love
Desdemona after hearing Othello’s story feels pity for him and realizes he is a sensitive man. She completely devoted herself to him because she truly loves this man with all of her heart. Emilia, on the other hand, see men as superiors and her husband as such, as well as her provider. They have a highly poor relationship. They are a secretive, deceiving couple.
In William Shakespeare’s tragic drama Othello, the wife of the protagonist, Desdemona, is the main female character. Secondly, there is the ancient’s wife, Emilia, who is morally ambivalent. Thirdly, there is the girlfriend of Michael Cassio, Bianca, who makes her appearance later in the drama. This essay will analyze the roles of these three women.
Emilia is often dubbed as “the feminist of Othello” by a scholars and critics because of her, seemingly, fiery independence among a sea of submissive women (Caitlyn, Act Four: The Feminist of Othello). The characterization of a woman who speaks out for herself suggests that Shakespeare thought progressively as during that time women were mere objects rather than human beings. The plot of Othello revolves around the misgivings of poor communication and lack of trust among the characters. Tragedy ensues, as it does in all of Shakespeare's works, but could it have been prevented? Report after report applaud Shakespeare for developing a true feminist role model, however sometimes a character who has attitude gets mistaken for honorable. This poses the question, does Emilia truly deserve the title as of a feminist?
Throughout ‘Othello’, Shakespeare uses the manipulation of the protagonist, by the antagonist, Iago, to present a play controlled by men. In such a male dominated society, Shakespeare presents the women in the play as tragic victims at the hands of their husbands, in particular Desdemona and Emilia. Throughout this essay I will relate to the Aristotelian and Senecan descriptions of tragedy to come to a conclusion of how in ‘Othello’ Shakespeare presents women as tragic victims of men.
Othello, by William Shakespeare is well known for its richness in literary content and elements pertinent to societal ideas. Moreover, women are portrayed in Othello in ways that confirm, but also contradict their treatment in Shakespeare’s time. Both female action and language represent these ideas such as expectations for a wife and expectations for how a woman is to act. That said, there are many other lines spoken by these characters that defy the expectations placed on women at time. Overall, the feminist critical lens allows a reader to understand Othello and the manner in which it is slightly sexist and controversial. This lens allows the reader to observe both discrepancies of how women are treated, and common characteristics found
In Shakespeare’s Othello, the role of women is greatly emphasized. The important characters of the play, Othello, Iago, and Cassio, each have a women that stands behind him. These women each have an obligation to remain loyal and respect their husband's wishes, especially Desdemona and Emilia.
Women in the sixteenth century were commonly dominated by a patriarchal society. Meaning their loyalty and respect lay amongst the men in their lives with little choice for opposition. In Othello by William Shakespeare, he portrays the role of women in a way typical to their representation in Elizabethan and Venetian society. While the women may be presented as mentally stronger than their male counterparts, the language given to these female characters suggest that they have internalized society 's expectation of them. Apart from moments of private conversation and Emilia 's reaction to Desdemona 's death, the women behave in a submission that is expected of them, believing it to be the natural way, as the men continue to downgrade and treat them as secondary citizens. Shakespeare represents this status of women through the traditional views of the male characters, moments of submission from the females, and how the women internalize this society.
In Othello, the play vividly portrays the tragic fall of an admirable General who is transformed into a victim through manipulation by the atrocious villain, Iago. William Shakespeare illustrates the setting of Venice in the late 16th century, displaying gender inequality as an issue where wives are viewed as possessions belonging to their husbands. However, Emilia, being one of the most loyal characters, developed qualities of an early feminist who opposes unjustified treatment towards Desdemona. Emilia is practical and realistic due to her clear knowledge of humanity within both genders, in which she further challenges the male authority in order to advocate her right to speak.
In her final moments, Desdemona chooses not to blame Othello for her death because she saw that the honor of their love was more important than honesty. After Othello was convinced that Desdemona was cheating on him, Othello had started to show his disappointment with her. He had even gone as far as hitting her (4.1 134). Despite this, Desdemona continued to stay true to Othello. Othello, though, decides to kill her. Desdemona senses a change in Othello and she has a feeling that she will die soon due to the hands of Othello. This does not stop her, though, from continuing to care for Othello. Even when Desdemona was found after Othello strangles her, she still believed that her death was not the fault of Othello. Emilia comes into the couple’s bedroom after Othello smothers Desdemona, but hears Desdemona cry out. Seeing her dying, Emilia asks who would do this. Desdemona replies that it was her fault: “Nobody – I myself. Farewell / Commend me to my kind lord. O, farewell!” (5. 2. 125-126). Not only does she try to protect Othello’s reputation by blaming herself, Desdemona tells Emilia to remind Othello about her showing that she stills respects Othello. By trying to hide the fact that Othello had murdered her, Desdemona has chosen to put the honor of their love above honesty.
In the play ‘Othello’ written by William Shakespeare, we see not only the main male character leads. But we also see the female characters, Desdemona, Emilia, and Bianca. These three women were portrayed in ways that showed them being inferior to the other male roles as well as society during the Elizabethan Era. But Shakespeare made each of these individual ladies characteristics quite unique to one another having the traits of a feminist. Even though in the play we read how the male characters did somewhat control them and made them look weak compared to them, there were moments where Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca stood up for themselves.
In addition, Emilia proves her underrated intelligence by standing up for what she believes is right. Desdemona, Othello's wife, and Emilia's relationship grows because of her great loyalty towards her. At the end of the play Emilia stands up for Desdemona because Othello kills her. She explains Desdemona's true love for him and would never do anything to hurt him, which proves Desdemona's innocence. Not only does Emilia stand up for Desdemona, but she also voices her opinion to Othello. Emilia shows no fear standing up to Othello to prove to him that his wife has always been faithful. At first Othello finds it implausible but then Emilia says, "Thou art rash as fire, to say that she was false. O, she was heavenly true!" (Shakespeare V: ii, 165-166).Women are looked at in Othello as unintelligent and unfaithful, but Emilia changes that stereotype by standing up to the men. From the start Emilia and Iago's relationship always seemed rocky. Emilia's confidence in herself shows that she is not afraid to stand up to her husband. Emilia realizes the danger she puts herself in when she stands up to Iago. In order to make things right, she does whatever it takes, even if that means ruining their marriage or taking her life.
In addition, Emilia is unwittingly responsible for Desdemona’s death because she is remains silent. The two women often talk about their husbands to one another; in spite of it Emilia doesn’t talk about Iago’s behavior toward her. Unlike Desdemona who declares, “Alas the day! I never gave him cause,” she suggests that Othello behavior toward her is unexplainable because she has not been unfaithful to him (3.4.157). Desdemona also reinforces Emilia to give her a reason as to why Othello is behaving this way; instead Emilia illustrates silence when she says:
When Othello summons Desdemona and dismisses Emilia, “Leave procreants alone . . .; / Cough or cry hem if anybody come. / Your mystery, your mystery! . . .” (IV.2.28-30), he not only dismisses Emilia, accuses Desdemona of infidelity, and betrays his own insane bitterness, but he converts the marriage into a
She is then disowned by Barbantio with no further words directed to her by him but is referenced as a liar and should be kept on watch for her conniving ways by him towards Othello. Which then begins Shakespeare’s in depth writing on Othello and Desdemona’s relationship where she is as “a child to chiding” (4.2.119-120). Not even a moment after her father leaves Othello commands Iago to tell his wife, Emilia, to tend to Desdemona as a babysitter. Irony occurs within (2.1.169-171) where Desdemona challenges Iago and stands as an independent woman for Emilia objecting to his conclusion, that women no matter how beautiful or intelligent play the same “foul pranks”. However, as Othello’s jealousy and rage arises throughout the play it seems as her character has to fight even harder to breathe under his control; symbolic for her death of suffocation. Desdemona is a gentle women living under her love’s control with no power to object even if she had opposed this type of controlling relationship. As a higher class woman she had more power and respect over other women characters such as Emilia or Bianca, but is this dominance enough to feel in control of oneself? It is believed that Shakespeare added the 2 other