
Comparing My Challenges To Female Friendship Narrative And Chapte

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In the narrative, I describe factors that posed challenge to my friendship with Sarah and identify cultural differences as the most challenging element of our friendship. The family structure within Sarah’s culture (Indian) is very different then mine, which made it difficult for me to understand and appreciate the customs. What especially concerned me was the control Sarah’s parents exhibited over her education. Eventually, I expressed to Sarah how I felt and she enlightened me about her family and culture in a very positive perspective. This experience was initially upsetting, however through several passionate conversations we are now closer together as friends. There are several connections between my Challenges to Female Friendship Narrative and the material we studied throughout the course, particularly with the readings of Sisterhood is Still Powerful (2000) and …show more content…

Hooks (2000) discusses a college experience where she notices a difference in the way males and females conduct each other in her classes. She observed that women did not talk as much as the men nor were they called upon as often as men were (especially in mixed gender classes). This negatively influenced Hooks (2000) because her prior expectations expected that in schools, males and females were treated equally. This experience weakened the confidence she had in her academic capabilities but eventually she was able to accept and cope with the customs of her new school. Comparably, in my narrative I discuss the false expectations that I had towards parenting and the difficulty I experienced accepting the customs of my friend’s parents. For example, in Sarah’s cultural background, the parents decide their children’s academic careers. Like Hooks (2000), I felt very saddened because my expectations about parenting

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