
Comparing My Life With ACF

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Physically having ACF it is exhausting and you never feel like you have enough energy. I was diagnosed in 7th grade. My ACF was regulated and I was able to continue dancing. Slowly I could feel as the days went on my energy levels dropped as 7th grade ended. It didn’t matter how much sleep I got, it never seem to be enough. It feels like an on going marathon and you can see the finish line but it keep on moving farther. Going from an active dancer doing at least 27 hours a week to only 9 hours a week. Watching your health decline isn’t an ideal situation for a 12 year old. Being told I wasn’t able to dancing or do any demanding physical activity for a period time was hard. The questioning started once I all of a sudden stop participating in P.E. Avoiding answering the question I gave very vague lies saying “ I twisted my ankle” or “ I had a cold “. Once everyone finally figured out was actually sick the teasing started. The constant wheezing sound affects as people walked by. I hoped once middle school was over, no one would care about me being sick in high school, but thanks to my high school movie, my view of high school was very pleasant.

Watching everyone around you play …show more content…

I hated P.E in middle school but once I wasn’t able to do it, it made me feel isolated. The simple things like waiting outside the locker room as my friends when in to change having conversations without me.Having to write essay papers, to make up for me not participating,while the rest of the class played volleyball and ran laps around the gym. My mentality was very one note. I didn’t put a lot of effort in to may things ,once what I really wanted to do,I couldn’t. Watching my dance teammates learn choreography and get yelled by our coach was something I missed the most. Going from a dancer to a coach assistant. Doing the bare minimum, helping with costume ordering and taking roll call. I hated doing that but it was the closest thing to

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