
Comparing Perks Of Being A Wallflower And Looking For Alaska

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The novel is a series of letters that Charlie writes to an unnamed friend, these letters document Charlie's life as he goes through his freshman year of high school. When he starts writing the letters he feels alone because he recently lost a friend to suicide. Charlie meets a senior Patrick, who introduces Charlie to his stepsister, Sam. Charlie later on meets all the rest of Patrick and Sam’s friends, which he grows very fond of making his school year much easier. Charlie has an English teacher named, Bill, that gives him special assignments and books to read. Throughout the novel Charlie talks about his aunt Helen, he feels guilty because she died on Charlie's birthday while going to get him a second present. Later on in the novel Charlie …show more content…

Both novels are related to the theme meaning of life. In the novel Looking for Alaska, when Alaska passes away from a tragic car crash Miles starts to have every question in mind about the meaning of life. Miles tries for a long time to figure out what happened to Alaska before the crash. Miles eventually gets the all the answers he had about the meaning of life during his first year of Culver Creek. Miles is a lot like the character Charlie the two of them like to sit back and ask a great amount of questions that relate to life. The messages in both of the novels are quite similar in a way. In The Perks of Being a Wallflower one of many messages throughout the novel was acceptance. “We accept the love we think we deserve” (24) When all the characters started to accept themselves their life was going in a better direction. Another message was don't just sit back and be a wallflower, the novel showed how Charlie's life changed after he started to get involved. In the novel Looking for Alaska the message is only a little different, one message throughout the novel was live your life and don't dwell on the past. Miles liked to ask a lot of questions pertaining to the meaning of life, like Charlie Miles also liked to sit back and be a “wallflower”. Miles and Charlie were very alike in many ways, both started off being a wallflower then both evolved into a outgoing, involved, and an …show more content…

There are many situations that I’m faced with that if I didn't believe in myself It wouldn't have worked out well. One time I was in the middle of a tennis match and I was down fifteen to forty and if I didn't believe in myself, that I could win just one point at a time I wouldn't of won that game. To play your best a precondition is necessary, you need to believe in yourself to be more successful. This pertains to more than just sports, it can relate to approximately everything in life. Believing in yourself is one of the most important concepts to focus on when you're in a tough situation. In Perks of Being a Wallflower, Charlie is put in a situation that he must believe in himself or he would start to go into a deeper state of mind. After Charlie came to realization of what his favorite person, Aunt Helen did to him Charlie had to believe in himself or his therapy and his decisions could have affected his life dramatically. For the therapy to work for Charlie to the fullest he needed to believe that therapy could work and his determination can help him improve quicker. You can't just sit there and put everyone's lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love. You just can't. You have to do things.”

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