
Comparing Plato's Apology And Crito

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In Apology and Crito, Plato portrays Socrates as a man committed to saving his city even if it meant his death, and uses Socrates to show role of philosophy in the city. Socrates believed philosophy upheld the integrity of the city, and heroically led by example when he fought against the growing greed, close-mindedness, and immorality he saw in Athens.
Socrates first fought against the greed he saw in Athens, trying to persuade the people of Athens "Not care for your… your wealth in preference to...the best possible state of your soul" (32-33). He traveled around the city, telling those he found guilty of greed to be ashamed of putting money above all else. He not only preached against greed, but he also lived a life free of it. When teaching or performing any of the services he performed for the city he, he accepted no payment. He also wanted to ensure that the future of Athens avoided making the same mistakes, teaching the children to value right things and asking the court to make sure his sons didn’t value money above virtue. …show more content…

When he approached the politicians and questioned them, he discovered they lacked wisdom. However, when confronted with this this fact, they chose to get angry rather than learn from his correction. Eventually, instead of listening, the people he was trying to help put him in court on bogus arguments simply to silence him. Even then, after Socrates had masterfully refuted all of Mellitus’ arguments, they refused to accept his innocence. Socrates questioned the standing social order, and challenged the leaders of the day in order to bring wisdom and virtue back to Athens. However, he also lived a life of open-mindedness. When Crito comes to convince him to escape, Socrates tells him he will listen to him and if he presents convincing evidence, agree to escape with him. Despite his desire not to leave, he was still open to his friends

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