
Comparing Popol Vuh And The Bible

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Similar to the bible, the story Popol Vuh talks about the creation of earth and humans coming into existence. Although the basis of the stories is the same, there are huge differences between the Bible and Popol Vuh. While the Bible tells of God single-handedly creating earth and its inhabitants, Popol Vuh tells about multiple gods coming together to discuss the creation of humans, “So there were three of them, as Heart of Sky, who came to the Sovereign Plumed Serpent, when the dawn of life was conceived: ‘How should the sowing be, and the dawning? Who is to be the provider, nurturer?’” (Popol Vuh, 523). Another area of the story that exists in both stories, but are completely different, is that of intelligence. While in the Bible, Adam and

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