that all humans are fundamentally rational and have a positive outlook and can deal with situations in a rational manner where as in psychodynamic it would refer we are influenced by things and are natural instincts good or bad. What we can determine is in fact we are a combination of all of the above and never is right or wrong. Another statement would the best model is that of the whole person, In psychodynamic the best way is to break personality down into component parts here we are having two different approaches whereas the first takes the whole person into consideration and the sum total of parts makes the whole in psychodynamics we reverse this into breaking the whole down into sections or parts for investigation and take each part as a separate entity. In humanistic …show more content…
The next example we decide what happens to us and in psychodynamic the outside influence control us and are actions so in the first example we control are situation and actions where as in the second example it’s the outside world that controls are reactions Further examples are that the individual controls behavior and in psychodynamic stimuli controls us here we are saying in the first example that we are in control of our behavior of our own free will and in the second example outside stimuli controls are
In the counseling world today understanding psychodynamic approaches is more crucial than ever in the assessment and treatment of any psychological issue. Psychodynamic approaches such as Individual therapy, analytical therapy and psychoanalysis are similar in many ways but also differ based on the individuals own perception and circumstances. I will discuss the similarities as well difference’s and why these forms of therapy are critical in the assessment and treatment of clients.
However, despite the fact that these approaches look to the conscious mind to explain behaviours, they do bear similarities with the psychodynamic approach. Social learning theorists stress that behaviours are learnt from role models, and claim that they tend to be people that children can relate to (E.g. people of the same sex). Freud would demonstrate similarities in the Oedipus and Electra complexes during the phallic stage, in which children adopt the attitudes and behaviours of their same sex parents. Meanwhile, the psychodynamic approach relates to the cognitive approach, in the way that it studies the human mind extensively, to understand how thoughts and feelings, whether conscious or unconscious, influence outcome behaviours; although Freud sees the mind as influencing types of behaviour more permanently throughout adult life, yet cognitive psychologists see the mind as more malleable with internal processes being shaped at any time, completely changing behavioural responses.
That people are rational and selfish and people who think rationally keep the economy stable.
ID, ego and superego. He said you were born with ID which was in your
In this approach we see the theories of psychology that see the human mind function based upon the interaction of forces and drives within the mind, normally this means unconscious thoughts, but it also includes looking at the different structures of the personality.
In the world there are two distinct types of things. There are things that exist external to us, such as one's reputation or a relationship. We do not have direct control over these things since they exist outside of us. Then there are internal things that we do have control over, like out desires, or things we dislike. The internal things can be controlled, while the external can be harder to control. Some philosophers even believe that the external things cannot be controlled, and attempting to control them will just bring unhappiness.
One of the methods used by the psychodynamic approach is case studies. Case studies are used to practice their therapy on to see if it actually works. The therapy created by Sigmund Freud, is called psychoanalysis. An example of one of the case studies would be the case study of Little Hans. Hans was at the age where he noticed he had a penis and therefore played with it a lot. His mother noticed this and told him to stop it otherwise she would call the doctor and get him to cut it off. Hans later on developed a phobia of horses, so his father got in touch with Freud and told him about Hans’ strange behaviour and he suggested that
Although the previous controls have been quite concrete, there is a more abstract control humans face everyday: the control of time. A person’s perception of time is limited by what other people allow him to believe about it. When a person’s time is limited under the control of other people, he is unsure of how to manage in regular life because of how abnormal it seems in comparison. In Breakfast of Champions, an ex-convict is let out of jail. This sounds like freedom, but through the control he was under for all those years in jail, he now does not know what to do, “I had Wayne Hoobler, the black ex-convict, stand bleakly among the garbage cans… and examine the currency which had been given to him at the prison gate… He had nothing else to
been controlled by others in our lives especially by Society. Society has many sneaky way to
There are many different types of control that are experienced throughout any given person’s lifetime. There is being the person in control, being controlled by someone else, and even being controlled by one’s self. Each position has an effect on surrounding people and the mental state of the being. Within the texts, Macbeth, “And of Clay we are Created,” “The Yellow Wallpaper,” and “To Build a Fire,” the influence of control is always there, but appears in different forms.
We control a really big portion of what we do. What we do is what we get. When can't just lay down and expect it to be done. What we do is what we control. We control our fitness and achieve goals that we set ourselves to do. We can't control most of the health problems that we are born with, such as if you were born paralyzed you can't control that.
This perspective involves examining the physical aspects that affect a living thing’s behavior such as the brain, nervous system, and genetics.
The psychodynamic model has abnormalities stemming from the mind. Forces from the environment are at
Psychodynamic approach consists of bringing the unconscious to conscious. Psychodynamic approach believes that childhood experiences significantly impact our behavior as adults. Free will is also limited in this approach because they signify behavior as being a direct result from the unconscious mind and childhood experiences. They would explain Max’s case as though he repressed memories as a child that are now coming out in his behaviors. They would also say that the id is the driving force and has been the central focus of his behaviors so he can be satisfied with his pleasures in life, no matter the consequence. The id and superego are at battle with one another and until this issue is resolved, Max will use defense mechanisms to reduce his anxiety and stress in life. There are also the psychosexual stages that according to Freud, can impact a child and carry over into adult life. If there is too little stimulation or too much stimulation as a child in one of the stages it could have an adverse effect on the adult. It would be said that Max was undernourished as a child and now as an adult is looking for comfort and will turn to drugs to find it. Biological: Through this theory, they would argue that Max had a predisposition for becoming dependent on drugs. His father was an addict and it was in his genes from creation. According to Ronald J. Comer, author of Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, he
This view is very broad when covering the human personality, and had huge followings at times. Many psychologists agree that we are influenced by instinct and