Rap and classical music are two very different types of music. The difference is very noticeable in sound, and the music’s characteristics. Producers and composers of these two styles of music present themselves differently also. Almost all Rap artists write their own lyrics. Because of this most rap songs are direct and often very personal. Most rap music’s instruments are electronic, and computer generated. As for classical music, it has more of a sophisticated sound. This style of music has a strong emphasis on beauty, balance, and elegance. However, if you take your time and listen to both genres carefully you can find many similarities between the two through the use of tempo, melody, and rhythm. Both classical and rap music have history. Even though classical is mostly just instruments playing, the composers, like rap artists, write their own music and lyrics. What makes a song interesting and powerful is when it is has story to tell. Any musician that writes their own music is a form of expression that they voice to their audience and listeners. ` Ever since I was young I have always had a passion for music. I love understanding what drove the artist or musician to write that song. I never thought I would take the time to really appreciate classical music until I took this music course. I attended two classical concerts that left me entirely speechless. Not only were the pieces that were played relaxing but also each musical piece had a beautiful and powerful meaning
Though rap started out as a force for positive social change, popular subgenres of hip-hop such as "gangsta rap" have since eroded much of the art form's value to society. Impressionable young people are negatively affected by rappers' obsession with guns, drugs, sex, and material possessions. Since record companies do not seem to care about negative content as long as it sells albums, parents should assume a greater role in regulating their children's listening habits. Hip-Hop is the proclamation that young people are independent and intolerant of what they consider to be adult society, which they frequently view as hypocritical.
One was to forget or drop everything and step outside of the real world and
Art is method of expressing a person creativity. Depending on the level of creativity and uniqueness makes the art valuable. The purpose of Chicago Art fair was to rejoice in the remembrance Christopher Columbus discovery of America, at that time 400 years ago. From modern time, 12 and half decades ago, Chicago was epic center of art. Millions of people came from all over the world just to be in attendance. Therefore, the fair needed additional time for preparation to accommodate those millions of people. Every major artist in America came to showcase their talent and unveil their exhibits. Each state had a monument of art that represented their state. In 1893, the culture was different, a lot of events was acceptable that should have not
As many people know, country and rap music are the most renowned genres of music in today’s world. Both genres are opposites of each other, but they both are on the edges of mainstream. Country and rap music may stand alone and share binary oppositions such as lifestyles, however rap culture has influenced country music in today’s world which can be seen through the lyrics.
Through rap they are able to express where they come from, their surroundings, who they are and their people. The style or context of the music is always very similar, both genres have either a beat centric focus; which means the track is more focused on the beat rather than the lyrics and also Conscious focused; meaning they are more focused on the lyricism. Overall you can see how these similarities in the culture, lifestyle and the rap music can make it confusing for the listener to identify a difference between these two genres.
Rap is a genre in music that consists of rhyming or being poetic over a certain unique beat. The origin of rap is significantly different from any other form of music. The flow, change, subject of the music, and the instrumentals behind the rapping has all changed with time. Most people would underestimate the complexity of the music and the evolution it has undergone. The real roots of rap music began in the late 1980’s with the “Golden Age.” It was innovative and mostly based around the party scene. Gangsta Rap followed the Golden age and was very impactful on the young culture. After the Gangsta Rap era came the time in rap referred to as Crunk Rap which combined the country sound with the party lifestyle. Conscious
The road of life can be a bumpy one. There will always be twists and turns that can alter a person’s life, changing the course of their destination. Even though life can be tough, you have to draw upon your inner strength in order to persevere. The songs, “Move Along” by The All-American Rejects and “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” by Greenday sing about this message. The lyrics in their songs have many literary devices such as personification, repetition, symbolism and juxtaposition. The personification will help you
We can usually listen to the music in various scenes in life. But we don't often just concentrated on listening. The same was the case with me before. Especially, I was ignorant in classical music. But now I like listening to orchestra concert from the front row seats. It is a quite wonderful experience. Since my children start learning how to play the violin, I came to listen to classical music. After I could a little understand artistic features of classical music, I listened to it with rapt attention. I especially came to like Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto. I was listening it through only my computer, but on the whole I was satisfied.
The style of music is very important to because it gives it an identity. This “style” is important in new music, old music, in between music, but it is especially important in modern music because it is what defines the different types. All styles have different beats, different lyrics, and are labeled as different “types” of music. For instance christian rock is known for having non-explicit lyrics and the use of traditional rock instruments. Classic rock is simply older rock and roll music. When it comes to rap there isn’t
The rap genre originated from some of the most underprivileged areas of New York in the 1970’s. What was once DJ’s talking over a beat they were playing to encourage more activity on the dance floor, turned in to a new genre of music called rap. The majority of earlier rap songs were fun inducing tracks, but in the 1980’s, Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five introduced social consciousness to the genre. They sparked a long lasting impact on rap as it started to evolve rapidly as time went on. The 90’s was home to “gangsta rap,” followed by a softer side of song writing pioneered by the likes of Outkast and Kanye West in the 2000’s. Today, rap music is very diverse and more accepting of different styles than it was before. However, throughout the entire history of rap music, the one thing that has stayed
The ultimate goal of this study was to see if there was a way to increase the understanding of classical style music to college students. The test subjects consisted of college students that voluntarily
Some of the greatest names in music have come out of these two genres, like Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Rakim, Nas, and Biggie Smalls. Rap and rock have changed the world and continue to influence the way people view politics and social issues. Rap and rock are different in their own ways, for example rap is focused around beats while rock is focused around the rhythm of a guitar and voice quality, but they also have distinct similarities, including their place of origin, the time they originated, and why they were created.
Throughout history, music has evolved and branched off into many different categories, each of which have distinct styles and orchestrations; there is classical music that is centuries old and today there is modern contemporary music that is often synthesized or played with electronic instruments. There are also many ways that the two styles can cross over each other; this is seen in popular music and a lot of video game music. Though many people cannot see any similarities between modern and classical music, modern music is really an evolution of classical music; the roots of modern music go back to classical era.
Musical themes are extremely different between the two genres. Hip Hop is a lot harder and can have much darker and serious undertones. Social matters are common topics for rappers, they use their fame and music as platforms to address unjust actions in our society. Especially black social issues since the genre is dominated by black men. For example, in Kendrick Lamar’s album “To Pimp a Butterfly” he addresses racism that people still see on a daily basis. He also brings up the rampant rise of materialism in society and how its changing the people for the worst. There another facet of Hip Hop that is the exact opposite of what Kendrick Lamar is doing, many artists are just in the game for the wealth and luxury it brings. Many of the artists glamorize drug use, promiscuity and gang life. Pop is much different, the music generally much livelier and is crafted for the purpose of dancing and having a good time. It also tends to be much more radio friendly giving it a much broader audience. Pop artists also have the ability to use their platforms to speak up for issues they believe in, but it doesn’t always work in their favor. In 2003 the Dixie Chicks had spoken about their opposition to the war in Iraq and lost a huge part of their audience almost overnight. In
First, the uniqueness behind rap music cannot be found in any other music. Because rap is lyric driven music, the speed and the pronunciation a rapper uses affects the outcome of the sound greatly. Also rap contains a lot of wordplay and figurative language that makes it complex and meaningful. The difficulty behind making a rap adds a competitive nature that most other genres do not