Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet were in true love because they were more than willing to change for each other and they fought for each other. Some could counter it by saying that they were just teenagers that is a common age to change because you are finding out who you are. However they were in true love because true love is different for each person. Romeo and Juliet changed extreme parts of their personalities so they could have the chance to be together. They changed themselves and some of their morals just for a chance to be together, not the guarantee. In act 2 scene 2 line 53-57 showed how Romeo was willing to change for Juliet. This scene takes place right after the dance. Juliet is on her balcony talking about how she wishes that
In the story Romeo & Juliet, I believe that it could have ended differently. Say that Romeo cried just a little longer. Then Juliet would have woke up and they would just move on as planned. Or they could have just left in the first place not telling anyone so they wouldn't have to worry about faking their death or being seperated. Lastly if Romeo didn't kill Tybalt then the two families wouldn't have went to the prince and they wouldn't have to worry about the prince finding out that it was Romeo that killed Tybalt and that Romeo's life would be on the line.
In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and "Pyramus and Thisbee" by Ovid are stories about teenagers who face obstacles that complicate the love story which causes them to make desperate decisions in the end. Both of them have many similarities. However, they have small details that are different. Throughout each story, these decisions lead to complicated endings. In the beginning, in Romeo and Juliet and "Pyramus and Thisbee" they both have similarities through the connections of objects.
Secondly, Romeos and Juliets downfall is a result of their own poor decisions, or character flaws because they caused fights. Many fights could have been avoided if they did the things that they were supposed to do. Because Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo was looking for him so that they can fight. Romeo says, “This shall determine that”(Shakespeare 59, line 133). Their fight will determine who dies.
Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play written by William Shakespeare in the 1300’s; it may not have been happy but it was truthful in telling the reader that true love will prevail no matter what obstacle is thrown its way. Romeo and Juliet wouldn’t be together if they weren’t loyal. These star crossed lovers only have eyes for each other; as shown by their desperate attempts to stay together.
Honourable judges, respected teachers, and my fellow students. A very good morning to you all. Today I will be speaking on the topic, "O, I am fonrtune's fool!"
The big talk with all teens these days, is romeo and juliet (not really). They are all wondering the same exact question: Whose fault is it that romeo and juliet went through their horrible tragedy together. Is it the families?... Romeo?… The friar?… Well, you guessed it in the title. It is all juliet's fault that all of this ever went down. The main idea of the essay today will be how juliet messed up everything. Yes, there were many other people that contributed to their deaths, like the nurse, but the main problem of all of this, is Juliet. I will talk about her main mess ups and how she could have fixed these problems.
“The Judgement of Paris” is essentially the prequel to the Trojan War. It’s a series of events that started with the goddess of Discord, Eris. As an unpopular god she was excluded from many events that the other gods and goddesses attended. At an important event, the marriage of King Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis, she alone was not included. Eris to take revenge on the gods and goddesses decided to throw a golden apple into the party. The golden apple was inscribed with “For the Fairest”. All goddesses present of course, wanted the golden apple for themselves. Eventually it was narrowed down to three goddesses Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena. The three had asked Zeus to judge them, but refused and instead pointed to a young man. The young man
How different can a play and two movies be when they all tell the same story? The play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the movie “Romeo and Juliet” (1968), and the film “William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet” (1996) vary greatly from one to the other; however, they all express the tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet. These two movies should be described as accurate representations of the original play, despite their disparities from each other. The costuming used in these two films clearly exemplifies the time periods of the story and how character’s styles showcased their lives.
Romeo is the lover in the story and hates to fight and always try's to stop people from fighting. Romeo and Juliet William Shakesspear Romeo and Juliet they fall in love at first sight and they have only known each other for a few days and they get married and kill each other. In the first paragraph it states that Romeo is a lover not a fighter. In the second paragraph it states that romeo is in love and the third paragraph states that romeo is a peace maker.
I think you are more beautiful than the sun.when I first saw you I thought you were a agull. I saw you at the dance and you looked back.
The Death Scene in the text version has more tension. It perfectly states the events that occur between Romeo and Juliet that leads them to their death. On the other hand, the Luhrmann version also describes well the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet but has a lot of differences due to its modern time era.
Romeo and Juliet tells the tale of two young lovers forbidden to be together because of the long-lasting feud between their two families. No matter what their families may think of each other Romeo and Juliet knew that their love for each other was true and they persisted in being with each other. The two bring out the best in each other and have done things that weren’t really thought of as things they would do prior to their meeting, for example, Juliet seems to have brought light into Romeo’s life as opposed to before they met when he came off as this depressed boy that was stuck on a girl that would never like him back. Juliet at the beginning didn’t really seem to be the type to rush into marriage, but after she met Romeo she instantly knew that
Furthermore, the play also incoperates tragedy since Romeo's companion Mercutio is slain after dueling with Juliet's cousin Tybalt. In act 3 scene 1 Mercutio and Benvolio are standing outside when Tybalt comes around picking a fight with Mercutio. Mercutio and Tybalt than duel and while Romeo tires to stop both of them Tybalt takes the opportunity and stabs Mercutio in the chest. This is tragedy as Romeo's companion and best friend dies at the hand of his loves cousin. Thus proving that the play Romeo and Juliet revolves more on tragedy than love.
As a child, I used to be very open and told my mom and friends everything of what was going on in my mind. Since my father’s death, as years went by, I started to close up more. Juliet has a hard time explaining her emotions to her parents because she fears criticism from them and feels as if they won’t understand. Parents do critique their children and often, they don’t always understand.
Even though they have made many immature mistakes (like marrying only after knowing each other less than twenty-four hours), Romeo and Juliet have matured throughout the play because they have both put each other before themselves, they both have been more aware and considerate of other people instead of being vain and inconsiderate, and they both have tried to control their own fates instead of letting fate control them.