
Comparing Satire In The Hunger Games And Brave New World

Satisfactory Essays

A.Satirical Writing--

•Satire is the use of humor, irony, or ridicule to show foolishness in humans and expose people's stupidity.

•It becomes effective when it takes whatever it is criticizing to a point where the reader can change their mind about issues by learning about it from a comedic perspective.

•TV shows/ Movies that use satire

◦South Park

◦The Office



◦Mean Girls

◦Napoleon Dynamite


•The difference between satire and sarcasm is that satire is usually prepared and lengthy, while sarcasm is off-the cuff and short. Sarcasm is a rhetorical device and satire is a form of genre.

B. Dystopian Writing--

•It is writing about a society characterized by human misery.

•The writing style can be inspired by ideas of the future from movies or tv shows.

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This is because not all writing is the same when it comes to this category.

•The relevance of dystopian writing can help some people escape from reality and to appreciate the things that we have.

•In my own experience with dystopian literature I have read The Hunger Games, Divergent, and many other books like those.

•How The Hunger Games and Brave New World are the same:

◦They are both in the future

◦They have a superior group of people

◦Their society is separated into groups depending on their skill level

•How The Hunger Games and Brave New World are different:

◦The people in Brave New World all live in the same area

◦In The Hunger Games there is a fight to the death

◦In Brave New World intercourse is normal

C. Biography--

•He was born in the UK

•His family was into science

•Huxley's mother died

◦This could represent the death of Linda

◦The reason that the society is not affected by death

•He became nearly blind

◦There are no illnesses or problems in the BNW society

•His brother killed

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