
Comparing Schindler's List And The Holocaust

Decent Essays

- Schindler’s List is based in the late 1930’s. Germany invaded Poland in 1939, and the Jewish people were harshly discriminated. The Nazi party assumed power and the new government passed new laws. These laws prohibited the Jewish people could no longer own businesses in Poland and other German governed countries as well. The Nazi’s evacuated the Jewish citizens from their homes, and forced them into ghettos (concentration camps). These concentration camps in Poland included Auschwitz, Treblinka and other camps which people were sent to and tortured and killed. Schindler’s List tells the story of the Kraków ghetto, which consisted of approximately 20,000 Jews. During this time , in Poland, the Jews were forced to work in labor camps, and …show more content…

He brings out the moral side of Schindler. Stern recognizes in the beginning of Schindler’s greed. Schindler’s original offer to have Stern to run the factory and secure Jewish investors, angers Stern in the beginning. When Schindler offers him a drink, he refuses it, which shows his disapproval of Schindler. But through time Stern’s attitude softens as Schindler becomes an active participant in saving the jews. He starts to see the good in Schindler. Towards the end of the film Stern finally does have a drink with Schindler. In the end when they are saying good-bye to one another, Stern drinks with him.They learn that Schindler’s labor camp is declared to close and they both realize that Stern will almost certainly be sent to death. By accepting a drink, Stern demonstrates his respect for Schindler, and Schindler accepts the finality of Stern’s probable fate. Stern, is like Schindler, as he is an opportunist. Stern is the brains behind the rescue of the Schindler jews. Scindler leaves Stern to run the factory, and Stern immediately begins to give factory jobs to Jews who otherwise would be deemed “nonessential” and would most likely be killed. Although Schindler ultimately makes the rescue possible by using his connections and monetary resources, Stern plays just as large a role by driving Schindler gently from behind the scenes. Stern sets the wheels in motion, making the factory a haven for the …show more content…

Goeth finds a sanctioned outlet for his cruelty in the Nazi military. He views Jews as inhumane creatures unworthy of possessing any human rights. He kills often and without hesitation. Unlike Schindler, Goeth never strays into goodness. The theme of dehumanization in the film is in regard to the Jewish people. We see this belief reflected multiple times in the film. Goeth is shown randomly shooting from his balcony. The people on the list have been reduced to names on a sheet of paper, objects that can be bought and sold at will.There are different kinds of power witnessed in the film. Amon Goeth is representative of power by fear. He prides himself on his ability to kill and the fear it instills in those around him. Oskar Schindler is representative of the power of respect. He tells Goeth that true power comes from the ability to kill, but the willpower not to kill. Itzhak Stern is representative of the power of resilience. He continues to forge documents despite Schindler's anger to the haven he has created. His continued close work with Schindler has the power to change a greedy man to a selfless

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