
Comparing Take Five 'And Round Midnight'

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This assignment will place two jazz songs side by side and compare various factors from each of them. The factors being compared will be the compositional techniques employed in the writing of the pieces, the musical elements that can be found within the pieces and how they relate to the genres from which the songs came and the historical and social context that surrounded the years in which the songs were first composed.
The songs that will be compared are Take Five performed by Dave Brubeck and ‘Round Midnight which was written and performed by Thelonious Monk.

The piece Take Five was composed by Paul Desmond and Dave Brubeck in the year 1959 and falls into the genre of West Coast Cool Jazz. It became the first jazz …show more content…

In the image below you can see the standard time signature used by Monk.

Compositional techniques
Both songs employ numerous compositional techniques. These techniques vary in style due to the different genres of the pieces and the different decades that they were composed in, however they each add unique effects to the pieces.
Figure 3 Source: (Accessed on 9/9/15)
In bars 14 and 15 of the above extract from Take Five (Figure 1), you can see a developing motif that is played throughout the piece and contributes to the lyrical nature of the composition. In bars 21 and 22 you can also see sequencing that takes place. This once again reinforces the repetitive nature of the song’s melody line.

In the above extract of ‘Round Midnight by Thelonious Monk you can see the repetitive motif used in bar 1 and 5. From bar 3 up until bar 6 you can see sequences taking place. The piece is also composed in a far more standard 4/4 time, this is a contrast to the unusual 5/4 time in Take Five. This piece does however contain far more chromatic movement than Take

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