
Comparing The Book Of Life And The Film: The Day Of The Dead

Satisfactory Essays

In the movie The Book of Life, the Day of The Dead is a huge component of why the story is so unique. In the movie, they made sure to point out many things; one of which being that The Day of The Dead is an uplifting holiday, rather than a gloomy event. The Day of The Dead is known for many things, and most are pointed out in the movie. Altars, the decoration of gravestones, Day of The Dead Bread, also known as Pan De Muertos, are all key points in both the movie and the holiday. I personally enjoyed this movie because it showed how perspective does matter. For instance, you could look at death as a sorrowful event or you could celebrate your loved ones time alive. The Book of Life also showed how selflessness gets you farther than being selfish.

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