
Comparing The Diary Of Octavius And Lepidus 'Death Of Caesar'

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Diary, I decided to team up with Octavius and Lepidus to kill the people who were involved with the death of Caesar. I realized that Lepidus was a bad choice to be apart of the group to try to get revenge of Caesar’s death, but Octavius convinced me that we should keep him and that he is a brave soldier. Lepidus and I went to spy on Brutus and Cassius. We saw them arguing or fighting about something and then they went into the tent. So we got closer to the tent to listen what they were saying. Cassius was mad at Brutus for making his friend look bad for taking bribes from another group. They ended the conversation and decided to put it all behind them and lead each of their armies. Diary, I feel like Brutus is becoming a stronger leader and

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