
Comparing The Good And Bad In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Unit 3A The Good and Bad in Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men characters

I am writing this essay to explain how John Steinbeck presents good and bad in the characters George and Curley from the novella “Of Mice and Men.” Also in this essay I will discuss Steinbeck’s uses of explicit language to help us understand character types for the characters Curley and George. The last thing that this essay will show is how Steinbeck engages us to show good and bad in characters. John Steinbeck wanted us to understand men, as “if you understand each other you will be kind to each other”.
In the beginning of the book we see George walk to the river with Lennie. We can see George as a master of Lennie. We know this by the line “Give it here said George” This …show more content…

George assures Lennie that he can tend the rabbits. This makes Lennie happy because George is telling a story that Lennie keeps forgetting on purpose. This makes George a good character, as he has patience with Lennie.
In the second chapter George and Lennie meet the boss to get a job. George describes Lennie to the boss as, “Strong as a bull” and “Hell of a good worker.” The phase “Strong as a bull” is a simile and this makes Lennie sounds beastlike.” This shows that George is being honest with the boss which makes him a good character and also this makes George smart.
Next, when George and Lennie are talking to the boss George lies to the boss to get a job. George lies to the boss by saying “He’s my ……….. cousin.” and “He got kicked in the head by a horse.” George lies to the boss so that his job is secure. George is a good character at this point because he wants to earn money so he and Lennie can do something with their money to make the dream farm become reality.
After the meeting with the boss George uses horrible language towards Lennie like, “Be a good damn thing if you was George said viciously.” The adverb viciously shows that Geroge is being horrible to Lennie and also shows that George has a short patience, this allows us to think that George is a bad character in this

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