The country I chose is different form Canada in so many ways. First of all, the physical geography of the country is different. In Canada there are 4 distinct different seasons, winter, spring, summer, and autumn, however in Ivory coast there is only 2 spring and summer. Yet, the physical differences do not stop there. The placement of these countries are also a major different, as Canada is in the North America, and Ivory Coast is in Africa. The continental difference also plays a big role in the culture. In Canada, our culture is not distinct as we take it from our European parents. While the Ivorians have French blood, most of their culture is African and not in fact French. Also, Canadians embracing in handshakes, while Ivorians are a
Have you heard about Estonia? Well, not many people have, and there are surprisingly some similarities that Estonia and Canada have and many more differences.
We had two presentation groups in our geography class. The class started with the first group’s presentation and it was about chapter six Quebec. They explained that Quebec’s historical geography can be divided into 3 periods: New France, British Occupation and Confederation. Then they talked about Quebec’s physical geography, economy, hydro- electricity, and environmental challenges in Quebec. They presented that hydro Quebec is the major producer of electric power in Canada and the disposal of industrial waste into St. Lawrence River is a huge environmental challenge in Quebec. Then they showed us a short video clip and moved onto talking about tourism and nationalism in Quebec. At the end, we played “Kahoot” for the class activity. Then
Culture Language In Canada they speak English and French. Music In Canada they like the same type of music. The culture of Canada is that the music is about the Canada and the north.
When it comes to certain qualities and attributes of the United States of America and Canada, many people residing elsewhere fail to tell the difference. The accents of people from certain parts of both countries, for instance, are so incredibly indistinguishable that they baffle any and everyone. Besides this one factor, they even share some comparable cultural characteristics, such as driving on the right side of the road and cherishing the same basic human rights to the utmost importance. Likewise, there are several similarities between multiple aspects of the countries’ respective governments, including within their individual established frameworks, political systems, and their divisions of authorities and duties. These could potentially point out a reason as to why Canada and the United States are immensely successful in their particular objectives, and are on their paths to achieving their long-term goals with difficult to accomplish, yet beneficial visions. After all, they are both either on the way to becoming or currently are two of world’s leading superpowers (Financial Post). However, there is not just one particular infallible way to rule a country and push it to further advancement simultaneously. In fact, each country works and functions differently, which is primarily due to individual background and history. Ultimately, although Canada and the United States of America are both nations that share similarities in various parts of their Constitutions, political
Some cultures may seem similar but actually not. For example, Americans often will view the Canadians as “American” by most standards. This is because, Canadians speak English, eat what Americans eat, listen to the similar music, live in similar place and dress like how Americans do. The cultural of these two countries look similar but they still have the dissimilarities. Compare to the United States where differences in culture tolerated much less, Canada has been described as a mixture of cultures where individual differences are celebrated. All official Canadian government populations and signs throughout Canada are in both English and French. English is their principal language but French is their main language. Canadians are using British
Canada is a nation built on immigration, and as the world becomes an ever increasingly hostile place more and more have chosen to try and make Canada their home. This melting pot of different cultures has created an overall atmosphere of acceptance, and is teaching younger generations a sense of community, empathy, and togetherness. Sharing our space and learning to grow with different ethnicities has perpetuated our status as a friendly, caring, and loyal nation, that many are willing to risk everything for in exchange for becoming a part of it.
Canada is a country, proud of its culture and heritage. Canada is a country in North America alongside the United States and Mexico, boarded by the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans. Particularly Canada is a multicultural, diverse country with two national languages consisting of French, as well as English. Although the language is diverse it is not the only element that changes across the country. In addition, Canada consists of just under ten million kilometers squared of land, which is the second largest landmass in the world. Likewise, Canada has everything from flat grass to beautiful mountains, sparse hills to large valleys with mesmerizing beauty. Something to consider about Canada and its success is the aspects of Canadian society, and what is contributing to the overall well-being of all Canadian citizens making Canada a great country to live in.
Being Canadian means belonging to a Canadian society, where regardless of location, each community is rich with diversity, culture and tradition. When asked what being a Canadian means, a common answer many people choose without hesitation is multiculturalism and with reason. Canada is known globally for its acceptance of worldwide immigrants, its discrimination-free environment and high tolerance of cultures. This type of environment promotes a healthy and violent-free environment where everyone is family, but most importantly, it decreases hatred towards other cultures. Looking back at Canada’s history, it can be easily noted that it was founded upon settling immigrants looking to start a new life. Nowadays, it is not much different as many people around the world flee their
In my eyes Canada is a diverse country, filled with a variety of cultures since we are a multinational state. Our unique identity is difficult to depict clearly, but I believe that the things that make up the Canadian identity are our countries multiculturalism, patriotism, and civic responsibility.
Canada is a country that is known for opportunities and acceptance. Being Canadian mean many things and it makes me proud of what our nation have become. Canada is very accepting of sexes, races and religion. We respect others, as we appreciate the different cultures and even celebrating them, we also acknowledge the LBGTQ community. This is important to me, considering that Canada is a place where people can feel safe in their own skin and that everyone is being respectful to one another. Canada is a safe place to be living for the reason that we are known for peacekeepers, for instance Canada is allowing Syrian Refugees to become a Canadian resident because of the ongoing hardships. We promote peace and unity, more than we do violence. Another
Canada is known for their mountains, landforms, long lakes, wildlife, tourist attractions, and there historical sites. Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories. 1. Newfoundland and Labour’s geography has a lot to contain like there one thousand small islands.
Canada is a popular country that neighbors the United States of America and was originally controlled by the French and British. The nation of Canada has a primarily cold climate and its citizens are usually stereotyped as friendly and over apologetic. Canada seems to have good relations with many other countries, which could explain its ethnic and cultural diversity. Despite it's close proximity to America, the prime family structure of Canada differs slightly.
Canadians have a very peaceful reputation internationally, yet not many countries know much about the Canada. Save for the most prominent stereotypes of Canada, such as maple syrup, beavers or the cold, Canada’s reputation shows its citizens to be very polite, accepting and down-to-earth people. Canada as a country is seen as a place of opportunity, whether it be for jobs, education or a new start. It is seen as very progressive in its human rights laws and reputable in general. One of Canada’s biggest identifiers internationally is its multiculturalism. Approximately 250,000 people immigrate to Canada each year from all around the globe, making it a mosaic of different cultures, religions and races. Some people and countries
Population growth in British Columbia is among the fastest in all of Canada (British Colombia Environmental Reporting BC, 2016). The current population for B.C. is around 4.4 million people, which is 13% of Canadas total population (Mandres, 2016). B.C. is a growing population with an average of 4.8 people per square Km. 60% of the population is located in the South-Western part of the province. This is known as the Georgia Straight Region. This highly populated area can be seen in ‘red’ Figure 6. The reason so many people are located in this region is due to the continued urbanization and high levels of transportation networks. With the high volume of people living around the heart of the city of Vancouver, this region is a perfect location for domestic and international business to take place. With subway, train, and highway access the Georgia Straight Region is an ideal location for commuting workers to live. As seen in Figure 7, the population density of the Greater Vancouver area has more than 800 people/Km2 and the Greater Victoria area has a population up to 200 people/Km2. It is a highly integrated system that is connected both with the various transportation networks but also economically. The cities in British Colombia do not compete with each other, they work together (Mandres, 2016). With different cities specializing in different areas of business, mining, and agriculture there are no duplication of functions. An example of this specialization
Canada has an extremley large geography which plays a tremendous role on many factors that affect Canadians. These factors both help and hinder Canada economically, socially and politically. The geography of Canada has also caused regions to form. For the most part, these regions exist due to physical that are present in Canada's landscape. Canada's geography has also had a large impact on the influences that affect settlers. Canada's relatively low popuation in comparison to the large land mass make Canada a place where people who desire to settle in high population, urban areas or large, isolated, and low-trafficked areas. The high population of people near the Canadian-American border is also a unique feature of Canada, due to the