
Comparing The Physician And Yeoman Tales

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In the Physician and Yeoman tales, the characters represent how people diverge from different social classes but are all the same people because in life people all go through obstacles and want the same things in life. Body Paragraph 1: The Yeoman is a lower class servant that illustrates himself differently than people would assume a lower class member would behave. The Yeoman wore a “leather wristgaurd, and carried sword and a shield, and a fine ornamented dagger (Chaucer 3)” that represents a talented forester who is a servant with nice things. A stereotypical servant would not be found wearing extravagant leather clothing and own nice weaponry. The “Yeoman’s description it reads, an almost unnecessary abundance of intellectual weaponry in its outward …show more content…

The Physician “dressed in red and blue cloth lined with taffeta and with silk (Chaucer 10),” which are types of clothing that represent wealth and money. The physician dressed in ways you would expect to see a typical wealthy doctor dressing. The Physician “especially loved gold (Chaucer 10),” and he was very blunt with the way he felt about money. He wore nice things and was always trying to get more money. The Physician would “help forecast the health and treatment of his clients (Lyons 6),” in the most beneficial way for him to get the most money. The Physician showed greediness by always looking for the most expensive diagnosis for the patient. “If they are very rich he orders twice the quantity for them as he does for the poor (Lyons 7),” because he was more willing to help those who could pay him in well in return. The Physician was indeed good at his job, but was also good at swindling his way to receive money. The Physician is an example of how in society, people dress to impress but even when they have nice things and enough is never

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