
Comparing Truth In Oedipus The King And Minority Report

Better Essays

Adam White
Blue 2

Truth is a very important aspect of everyday life. Everyone hopes the truth will benefit them, and it usually does. There are, of course, instances when it doesn’t, but either way, knowing the truth brings humans great closure. People go to great lengths in order to obtain the truth and the closure it brings them. Both Sophocles and Steven Spielberg shed light on this need for truth in their respective texts: Oedipus the King and Minority Report. The danger of the truth doesn’t prevent the pursuit of it. Characters in these stories overlook both physical and emotional dangers in their pursuit of truth. Characters in Oedipus the King and The Minority Report ignore physical dangers to pursue the truth. In Spielberg’s …show more content…

As the king of Thebes, Oedipus is very intent on discovering the truth of who murdered Laius, as he should be. The world these characters live in, however, is very reliant on prophecies. Knowing this, the physical danger of what may happen to the person Oedipus is wishing this fate upon and what that person may do doesn’t stop Oedipus from fiercely pursuing the truth. The audience knows that ironically, the person whom Oedipus has wished this fate upon is himself. As Oedipus digs deeper and deeper into the truth as the play progresses, the truth becomes more and more evident. Doom sets in for Oedipus and soon, it’s confirmed beyond any shadow of a doubt that he killed Laius. Sophocles writes, “Holds them [brooches] and rams the pins right through his eyes” (Sophocles 70). The physical danger of what would happen to the person Oedipus wished the fate upon and how they would react that he overlooked to uncover the truth becomes all too relevant when he blinds himself with Jocasta’s brooches. Just as happened with Howard in the film, the physical danger that Oedipus ignored came back to haunt him. Going back to Spielberg’s film, the three precogs predict that John

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