
Comparing Two Psychodynamic Theories

Decent Essays

Psychodynamic theory encompasses a variety of theories and approaches, all of which believe that human behavior is motivated by both the conscious and unconscious mind. Two psychodynamic theories will be examined; ego psychology and human relations theory. Both theories have related concepts which interplay and can be combined to examine human behavior. Psychodynamic theorists think of the mind as having three parts; id, ego, and super ego. The id is considered to be base instincts and comprised of three innate drives; pleasure, aggression, and mastery and competence. The super ego is considered to be an individual’s value system. The ego balances the id and super ego, attempting to mediate between one’s innate drives and values. It is believed that individuals utilize defense mechanisms or “Unconscious, automatic responses that enable us to minimize perceived threats or keep them out of awareness entirely” (p.38). Defense mechanisms can be very useful for managing anxiety, but can become problematic when used without judgment, when based solely on past events, or when they significantly distort reality. Ego psychology focuses on the ego and …show more content…

Object relations theory focuses on individuals’ perceived representation of relationships which are often formed with significant others at an early age and recognizes that these may be more significant than current relationships in shaping behavior. Object relations theory considers attachments and the quality of past attachments as individuals with secure attachments are can exhibit greater resiliency in relationships of stressful life situations. Additionally, individuals can experience transference when clients unconsciously project “feelings, thoughts, and wishes onto the practitioner, who comes to represent a person from the client’s past such as a parent, sibling, other relative, or teacher” (p.

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