
Comparing Zeferelli's Romeo And Juliet

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Have you ever read a book or watched a movie and were left with the final thought of, something was missing. In the Luthrman in Zeferelli edition of Romeo and Juliet there were several of events that were not added into to the movie that were clearly an ineffective. There is no reasoning behind why the events weren’t implemented. Some huge events in Romeo and Juliet included, Romeo and Paris dueling, Romeo’s final soliloquy and Friar Laurence’s speech to the families. All being big events that were left out. To completely understand the viewer would have to read the play, or else they are not getting the full side of the story. Clearly many of the creative choices made by the movie directors were ineffective. Clearly Zeferelli made very …show more content…

One of the biggest ineffective choice was made, him leaving out the scene with Friar telling the two families the entire story of the “Five Day Romance” was a decision that negatively impacted the movie. In Shakespeare’s piece Romeo and Juliet a funeral was held for both Romeo and Juliet “The star crossed lovers” lying next to each other. With not much understanding of what happened the two teens Friar Laurence was the only one who knew all to the story. The Capulets thought Juliet was already dead so this was an n example of dramatic irony as the readers knew Juliet was still alive as she had taken the potion to make her seem dead. But Romeo and all the Capulets thought Juliet was dead. Although this time they were both actually dead. With no understanding from both sides Friar begins telling the tale from beginning to end before he begins talking he says “I will be brief for my short date of breath it’s not so long as is a tedious tale”(299) Friar got a lot of information out in few words. As the two families sink all of this shocking chain of events. It is realized that it was caused by them and only them because they couldn’t figure out how to end the feud as adults. Indirectly the two teen deaths were caused by them. They only realize this after hearing Friar’s summary. In Zeferellis version of the movie it is shown Friar running away from the tomb and never being seen again. This is clearly one of the biggest ineffective

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