1. Analysis of ‘Reseach and the Movies’, written by Buffy Shutt This article mainly talks about the alliance of research and movies. Since the Golden Age of movies in the 1930s and 40s, the Old Hollywood has used audience surveys to assist cast movies and determine the genres. Following that, from late 1940s and early 1970s, research has been done for the marketing of movies, including testing the effect of advertisements on television and looking into the main drive for the audience to visit the theatre (Buffy 294-295). Buffy points out that most movies lose money, hence it is critical to precisely research what is the drive for a people turning into a movie-goer (295). In addition, Buffy introduces five research tools which are applied in …show more content…
The brand essence of Nike is ‘Authentic Athletic Performance’. Brand essence is the single most compelling thing we can say about the brand that differentiates it from competitor brands (BrandFocus). The most powerful brand essences are rooted in a fundamental consumer needs. The brand essence is developed over time through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme, and is authenticated through the consumers’ direct experience (BrandFocus). Nike considered performance as top priority, they have demonstrated the consistency of designing sneakers that are durable, lightweight for runners. They used leather in their fabrics because it is more durable than garment yet less fashionable (Coucha Sideshare). From the early day, Nike has understand the consumers’ needs by listening to the needs of athletes, sharing their true passion for running. A trusting brand authenticity has been developed over time. In doing so, Nike has created a reputation as a provider of high quality running shoes designed especially for athlete (Coucha Sideshare). The second alignment is with the intergenerational/interdisciplinary team members in the corporate. The core is to understand their ‘dress code’ (understand their weakness, strength and legitimate contributions of each) (311). Maston also explains the alignments with the designers and the marketplace, in which the core attribute as the ‘thread’ need to interweave with influencial macro-trend (313). Lastly, the alignment with foreign market is extremely significant to international brand. The Localization is weaving the brand attribute threads into the local fabric
Film and literature are two media forms that are so closely related, that we often forget there is a distinction between them. We often just view the movie as an extension of the book because most movies are based on novels or short stories. Because we are accustomed to this sequence of production, first the novel, then the motion picture, we often find ourselves making value judgments about a movie, based upon our feelings on the novel. It is this overlapping of the creative processes that prevents us from seeing movies as distinct and separate art forms from the novels they are based on.
Although cinema is now a priority, some feel as if cinema is no longer the cinema when it was first established. Movies no longer have that special feeling like viewers once had. Today, films are not only shared within a theater, if one pleases they could always have the same experience elsewhere. Moreover, with technology expanding, it takes away the importance cinema once had. “The
Quality: Nike’s places strong emphasis on the quality of their products by reinforcing their tight measurement on their supplier’s performance. The company has long been known for their superior quality, reliability, and excellent designs. Furthermore, they capitalized on their high quality by investing heavily in marketing initiatives to increase brand loyalty and strengthen consumer confidence, which ultimately increases the consumer utility of their products. Creating a team of Nike Scientists devoted to continuously improving the quality of their products was only one part of their strategy. They also invested heavily in a quality control system known as the InfinityQS, which helps them identify areas of issue and monitor the overall quality of their products. (InfinityQS)
Nike is the leading and yet renowned supplier of athletic apparel and shoes. The company controls close to 33% of the global athletic shoe market (Dogiamis & Vijayashanker,2009).Nike was founded by Bill Power and Phil Knight in 1962 as a Blue Ribbon Support and then was later on renamed to Nike in the year 1968 (Patrow,2003).The company supplies very high quality product in close to 100 countries with major markets being located in the U.S,U,K, Asia Pacific as well as in the Americas. The company has managed to attain its lead and legendary position via the application of innovative and yet attractive product design which is backed by quality production as well as well crafted marketing strategies.
The costs, methods of distribution, and themes of Hollywood and Nollywood films reflect strongly their target audiences; how the target audience affects the production of a film and how the production of a movie is designed to capture a specific
Nike’s main strategy revolves around product branding. Their brand compromises of a swoosh logo which is accompanied by a message of “just do it”. The logo was imprinted on all of their products with the message developed to express the individuality of their target group. The branding was further promoted by Nike’s relentless approach on the quality of their product as demonstrated when considering overseas business opportunities, quality must not be compromised in order to do so. This ensures consumer satisfaction and loyalty towards Nike.
6). This strategy is a major component of Nike’s business strategic level plan. In applying this strategy, Nike has attained a great deal of consumer insight, which it uses to offer uniquely designed premium products to the athletes. Still on product differentiation, Nike focuses more on research and development at a greater level. These unique features to Nike, have transformed the competition levels in this competitive industry, leading to a trend of a paradigm shift in the market. Most consumers opt for Nike branded sports products and apparels, at the expense of the other brand names.
The film-industry has changed dramatically since its birth over a century ago. With these changes have also come great changes in the cinema-going experience. In the MAS205 unit reader for 2005, a number of the readings aim to address many aspects of the experience of cinema-going. Included in the unit reader are pieces by Barthes, Carriere, Sontag, Moore and Lowenstein. Each of these writers has varying feelings to cinema-going over the past century and this essay will aim to address these different aspects.
Psychology & Marketing. 2009. Accessed October 2, 2017. https://www. researchgate.net/profile/Dean_Keith_Simonton/publication/228052923_Cinematic_Success_Criteria_and_Their_Predictors_The_Art_and_Business_of_the_Film_Industry/links/54b696d30cf2e68eb27ea300.pdf.
The key concept to be explored is genre and my investigation will revolve around focused research on the expansive genre of cult film, as I look to not only elaborate on it, but also try to clarify it. Utilising the work of theorists Sconce, Fiske, Austin and many others, I will base my research around two contrasting texts that are both connected by cult film – Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive and David Fincher’s Fight Club, analysing not only how their technical and visual codes help to give them cult status, but also how their audience appeal ties in with niche psychometrics and cult film overall.
NIKE‘s unique value proposition has been on the innovative design, finesse and quality of their Product line. Innovation has been a constant driving factor of NIKE since its inception.
Today, Film and Television are among the most internationally supported commodities. Financially, their contributions are enormous: both industries are responsible for the circulation of billions of dollars each year. Since their respective explosions into the new media markets during the mid-twentieth century, film and television have produced consistently growing numbers of viewers and critics alike. Sparking debate over the nature of their viewing, film and television are now being questioned in social, political, and moral arenas for their potential impact on an audience. Critics claim that watching films or television is a passive activity in which the viewer becomes subconsciously
Brands use different strategies to create competitive advantages to beat with their rivals. Some companies use “Overall Cost Leadership” to increase profit by reducing costs and increase market share by lowering price. Some companies use “Focus Strategies” to select a group of market and tailor its strategy to serve that group. The others use “Product Differentiation” as a strategy to obtain a premium price by making unique products. Nike, with its differentiation strategy, the company is continuing to separate its self from the competitors by using its superior technology and innovation. This paper mainly discusses on the company’s product differentiation and analysis how the company using this strategy to build its brand image and become a market leader in sportswear industry. A brief discuss about Nike competitive advantage which related to its broad differentiation aspect and the company product life cycle are also presented on this paper.
The producers will develop a test and the audience will tell the producers whether it is something they want to see or they are not going to see. This can affect the next text to be produced in an attempt to conform to the audience demands. Looking at the development of different types of genres and the development of films within the same genre, it’s possible to look at similarities and differences and identify changes in society and audience ideologies and tastes.
Today, the adidas® product range extends from shoes, apparel and accessories for basketball, soccer, fitness and training to adventure, trail and golf . adidas®, like many companies during the 1960s, believed in large volume sales. Lot of effort was put into advertising the brand in the early days through sporting celebrities. One of the main reasons that the colour of the 3 stripes on the running shoes was changed from black or dark brown to white was to facilitate easy brand recognition and identification, which in turn would promote the overall sales. The ideology was that the ability of a brand to stand out in the market place will enhance its chance of standing out in the customers mind. adidas® produced shoes that could be used for different types of sports.