
Comparison Between Peter Pan And Star Wars

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One day peter pan joined the dark side. Darth Vader turned Peter Pan dark. Why would he turn Peter Pan mean? All Peter can do is fly around but that is what Darth Vader wants.Darth Vader was on a strange planet were he found a boy named Peter who never wanted to grow up, plus he could fly and take children. Darth Vader thought Peter could steal people who are Jedis. When Peter went to the dark side captain Hook became a Jedi.

Instead of a hook he now had a light saver for a hand. Captain Hook would not let Peter take any Jedis. Luke skywalker would train Hook but hook thought he could handle it on his own. Yoda made Hook train with Luke. Of course han solo was there with chewy but they were just sitting around like losers. I still can't believe Peter Pan and star wars came together in one story that’s crazy, at least that’s what I think, yet again frozen and star wars came together in someone else's story. Well lets get back to the story, han solo and chewy were helping make some sandwiches for Luke and Hook. Hook was grateful even though chewy ate most of the sandwiches. …show more content…

Well lets see how Peter and Vader are doing, Peter does training just like Hook does but Peter does way more work. One day Peter goes to try to steal han solo and Hook sees him, but hook fails to stop Peter. Vader is proud of Peter but doesn’t think he needs him any more so Peter is sent back to Neverland. Hook does not know this so he keeps helping Luke and every one

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