
Comparison Essay: The Allegory Of The Cave

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Comparison Essay: Allegory of The Cave Rough Draft

When a reality is shattered, there can be many effects. The two realities referred to the allegory one being life inside the cave, and the other being life outside of the cave.Although there doesn’t have to be one specific way to live, I believe that life outside of the cave is better. The humans held captive are forced to think that the cave life is the right way. They spend their time living in oblivion even after the first prisoner has escaped and found the true light. According to Plato, the real reality is not that of which we live in, there is something deeper than what we see daily. The human who was able to be unchained and see the truth to what his so called reality was, …show more content…

I was one of those children years ago. Similar to the prisoners of the cave who soon realized that the cave was forcing them not to rely on themselves, I relied on the words of my mom and other family members that Santa Claus was the real deal, and that if I was good that year, I’d get everything I asked for. One Christmas Eve, my cousins and I had decided to stay up and see who was really behind the mysterious Claus. My sister had told me many times that Santa was really my parents leaving gifts, but I wanted confirmation. Later that night, hours after we were supposed to be sleep, my cousin and I laid awake, waiting to hear the bells of Santa's sleigh jingle, but we heard nothing. Like the other prisoners who had not broken free of the abominable chains, we cousins believed that there was only one person from whom the presents underneath our Christmas tree could come from, and similar to the enlightened prisoner, my sister knew the truth. It was my suggestion to peek into the living room and see what everyone else was doing, and to my surprise, the adults in my family were placing wrapped gifts under the tree. It was then that I knew for sure there was no Santa. Shattered realities don’t always have to be all bad, because finding out that my parents were really Santa Claus was somewhat of a relief, I could

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