
Comparison Of Age Of Enlightenment, By Thomas Hobbes, And Karl Marx

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The Age of Enlightenment was an era in which many brilliant thinkers came forth to convey their revolutionary ideas to the world. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Karl Marx were all enlightenment thinkers. Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher, believed that humans were unsurprisingly cruel, greedy, and selfish. John Locke, who studied at Oxford University, strongly thought that all humans have rights to life, liberty, and property. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels created Marxism, a theory of having a better society. According to Marx, social system centered upon communism, the political theory of everyone having economic equality of private property. All three philosophers want to improve society. To sum up all the information, all three philosophers …show more content…

Another man named Adam Smith, a Scottish man, became well recognized for writing the “Wealth of Nations” in 1776. Smith wanted to demonstrate his idea towards a political economy throughout the Industrial revolution. Smith’s ideas were helpful in the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and are still reflected to today’s economy, now known as the gross national product. The gross national product is the overall amount of goods produced and provided by the occupants of a country during a year (usually). Having a well-structured government is very important. During the early 1700’s, absolute monarchy had destabilized throughout time. Correspondingly, during the Age of Enlightenment, European philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Karl Marx all had brilliant ideas to convey society for a more improved government. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke had minor things in common. Both Hobbes and Locke lived through the commotion of the English Civil War. Nevertheless they both had unalike conclusions about human nature and the role of the …show more content…

The physiocrats were similar to the philosophes; they based their thinking on natural laws and human nature. Physiocrats created the laissez faire, instead of mercantilism because it required the government to get involved. The laissez faire created an economic business to maneuver without the government getting involved. Going back to Adam Smith, he supported the idea of having the laissez faire, but he felt that a government had a “job” in the society to secure the society, direct justice, and contribute public works. Essentially, Smith’s idea would help the economy in 1800’s and 1900’s. Smith was heading towards a better “economic” society in my opinion. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Karl Marx each believed their own philosophies would create the most viable government, however, only John Locke’s view of not requiring a government for a country would have received support from the social economist, Adam Smith. John Locke considered all humans to ensure basic natural rights. In comparison, Adam Smith favored the laissez faire in behalf of not dealing with a government. No government was needed during the laissez faire because it was a free market. Like Smith, Locke was not too crazy about having a government. But, he stated that a government should make an agreement with the people it governs. If the government does not fulfill the needs or trespass the people’s natural

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