
Comparison Of Aristotle And Aquinas : The Highest Human Good

Decent Essays

Comparison of Aristotle and Aquinas: The highest human good Both Aristotle and Aquinas were prominent philosophers who wrote profound works that discussed the concept of the highest human good and how humans can achieve it. In Aristotle’s, Nicomachean Ethics, the highest human good is a state of constantly seeking knowledge as a way of achieving full capacity as a human. The writings of Aquinas are similar to Aristotle, but, in Treatise on Law, he discusses the type and elements of law. His discourse on law ultimately names the highest human good as being in the perfect community with God. Aquinas’s argument supports obedience to law, preexisting inclinations for the good, and a resolution. Aristotle requires that the person constantly seek knowledge and be at work, which can act as a positive force that drives humans to improve themselves. In Book One of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle argues for an ultimate end, and that knowledge of the good should be extremely influential and important to human life. Aristotle argues that it is better to act aimed at the good beyond the individual. Similarly, Aquinas created a hierarchy of rules to follow when acting with the goal of the good. There is a specific order of the precepts of natural law. The lowest inclination affects all substances and is the desire to preserve the self. Next, he acknowledges the animalistic inclination to preserves and perpetuates the species. Thirdly, the inclination to do good is rooted in humans

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