Mentos and soda reaction has been a fun experiment done by people across the world.
Yes, it is a easy project you can do. You can do it by yourself or with friends but, do you know the science behind it? Do you know if it is a physical reaction or chemical reaction? The reaction of soda and Mentos causes a fun explosive outcome but, why? When you drop the the Mentos in the diet soda it causes carbon dioxide bubbles to form really fast. Then the bubbles form until it forms a geyser. Not only the bubbles form the sticky and foamy reaction. The ingredients from the Mentos mixed with the sugar from the diet soda causes the soda too have a lower surface tension. It is hard for bubbles to form at a high surface tension ( “Why Do Diet Coke
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According to Mental Floss, this is their explanation of why diet soda works better. “Diet sodas produce a bigger reaction than non-diet sodas because aspartame lowers the surface tension of the liquid much more than sugar or corn syrup will. You can also increase the effect by adding more surfactants to the soda when you add the Mentos, like adding a mixture of dishwasher soap and water”(“Why Do Diet Coke and Mentos React?” Mental Floss). Why is it a Physical reaction? It is a Physical reaction because of Nucleation. What causes the reaction of soda and Mentos slow or stops the reaction? To slow down the experiment a person would have to make sure that the carbon dioxide must escape from the soda. If that person does not have carbon dioxide in the soda the Mentos will not react to cause a fun and exciting Physical reaction( “Mentos and Diet Coke Experiment | Science Project” ). What is Nucleation? Nucleation is a form of crystallization.( The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Nucleation”). In conclusion the soda and Mentos reaction is fun, easy, and cheap.It is a physical reaction and it is because of nucleation. Remember when doing the experiment think about what is occurring during the
I am researching,”Does the type of soda effect the amount of fizz that comes out of a can with mentos” . According to “ Diet coke and mentos; Why the reaction” it says that the Ingredients in the mentos effect the reaction because inside the mentos it has Potassium Benzoate and aspartame. Mentos have Potassium Benzoate and Aspartame to make the soda fizz and the carbon inside the soda makes the fizz pack together and it tries escape the can. The bubbles inside the soda is carbon dioxide and when the carbon dioxide mixes with the mentos it causes the fizz to mount up and it escapes the can. The Potassium Benzoate and Aspartame reduces the amount of work required to form bubbles in the carbonated soda.
A rougher candy surface such as, Mentos, means there are more places for bubbles to grow, or more nucleation sites. ( Surfactants are compounds that lower the surface tension between two liquids. ( Dropping Mentos in Coke is an example of a surfactant. The eruptions happen due to nucleation where the Carbon Dioxide in the soda is drawn to the Mentos. ( The pressure of the bottle is trapping the CO2 inside. The CO2 in the soda reacts to the sugar on the Mentos.
From the results that were acquired from mixing the liquid reagents with each powder, it was determined that Unknown Mixture #1 consisted of baking soda and cornstarch. When individually testing the substances from Unknown Mixture #1 with the liquid reagents, a few noticeable reactions occurred. Mixing baking soda with vinegar caused bubbling to occur. This is because a neutralization reaction took place between the two reactants. In this reaction, sodium bicarbonate(baking soda) reacts with vinegar and produces sodium acetate, water, and carbon dioxide(HC2H3O2(aq) + NaHCO3(aq) NaC2H3O2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) ). The gaseous carbon dioxide most likely tried to escape into the atmosphere and caused the bubbling to occur. Another noticeable reaction
Procedure: In this experiment, various chemicals were mixed together, to determine a reaction. Using two drops from chemical 1 and two drops of chemical two, unless otherwise stated, then recording the type of physical reaction or color changes that occurred.
The objective of the experiment was to observe different reactions with different chemicals. The experiments emphasized on the chemical changes occurring in acids and bases as well as color changes and bubble formations. The experiments allowed for a better understanding of the undergoing chemical changes in mixtures. Some mixtures instantly changed colors while others were transparent or foggy. Some mixtures produced thick color that created solids called precipitates. Mixtures KI + Pb(NO3)2 and NaOH + AgNO3 both produce noticeable precipitates after a while. It was interesting to see the different acidic and base reactions like the fuchsia color formation in NaOH + phenolphthalein.
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to observe a variety of chemical reactions and to identify patterns in the conversion of reactants into products.
The experiment is to observe a variety of chemical reactions and to identify patterns in
Have you ever wanted to see a science experiment in real life that has a reaction. Well that's what my science experiment is about. My experiment is called elephant toothpaste.
The diet coke and Mentos experiment has been a favorite of amateur scientists, but how does it work? There have been debates, and scientists have concluded that the diet coke and Mentos is a physical reaction, called nucleation. Nucleation sites are areas that have high surface with low volume. Such places can be your fingerprint, scratches on glass, specks of dust, or even Mentos candy (Eepy Bird). Mentos candies have a pitted surface that’s rough when looked at through a microscope, therefore creating a wonderful place for nucleation to occur. Water molecules like to be next to other water molecules, so if you drop something into the soda, like Mentos, it acts as a site for growth of bubbles. Mentos have a high
Though many people will think there is a lot of bad in soda, technically it’s just carbonated water, which is basically “gas that’s called carbon dioxide that has been dissolved under high pressure” ( When one opens a can of soda pop the carbon dioxide in it is released out causing the bubbles in the drink, and the best part for this project is that one can choose their own way to do it, yes they may have to follow what the recipe calls for but they can choose their favorite flavors and their own color for it like if they wanted to they could make a bacon flavored pop but it might not taste the best but the point would be that it would be their own idea.
In the last test, we had to test out a mystery powder (powder A, B, C), in its own separate test tube, in order to solve the Sherlock Holmes Mystery. Our group had powder C. When we mixed water in the mystery powder, it did not dissolve. When the litmus paper was put into the test tube it turned blue. When the vinegar was mixed it bubbled/foamed up. When we mixed the iodine solution, there was no reaction and the solution turned to a dark brown/black color. When we mixed in the baking soda there was no reaction and it turned to an even darker color.
The soda ash form experiment 3 was obtained. A 250 ml beaker was obtained and rinsed.
There is a lot of High Fructose Corn Syrup, the sugar of choice, in regular sodas. People started finding out about how bad sugar is for them and how much sugar was really in their favorite every day drink. Everyone started turning against all of the soda companies and they had no choice but to come up with an alternative. So, instead of using natural sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup in sodas, scientists invented artificial sweeteners, a way to keep the soda sweet yet contain no sugar. Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame that are added to diet soda are actually worse for us than the sugar that is in regular soda. This was proven by an Osteopathic Physician from the American Colledge of Nutrition who states, "While many of the artificial sweeteners have reportedly similar side effects, aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA" (Mercola).
In a study done at Harvard scientists gave 100 people regular soda to drink for a week. Then gave another 100 people other drinks such as milk, water, and orange juice to drink for a week. In the end the people who drank the regular soda gained as much as 8lbs. Dr. Louis Aronne of Weill-Cornell Medical College says “It’s because soda pop of any kind is a waste of calories. It gives you more sugar then your body needs which means more calories, and in the end doesn’t fill you up at all”.
Diet soda has become a popular drink in America. It appeals to most people because it has all the taste of a regular soda with none of the calories. With many people trying to limit their calorie intake, diet soda is a clear choice. The company Diet Coke is using this to their advantage. Diet Coke has made many commercials using upbeat music as well as using fun and inventive places for their advertisement to take place. By including both men and women and in their commercials, they do not limit their perspective customers to one specific group of people; instead, they open the door to anyone who wishes to walk through.