Much like their distant cousins, the colon and semicolon, dashes can be intimidating even to writers who have a good grasp of grammar. Primarily, they act as connectors of words and phrases within a sentence.
The hyphen, en dash and em dash are different lengths, and only the hyphen can be found on your computer keyboard, right next to the zero. The other two are slightly wider and require fancy keystrokes on your PC, like Ctrl+Num Lock – to get the en dash and Alt+Ctrl+Num Lock – for the em dash, both using the numerical keypad.
Before we get into usage, here’s how each one looks:
Hyphen: ‐
En Dash: –
Em Dash: —
The Hyphen
The smallest of the three symbols, it’s arguably the toughest to master, but at its simplest, the hyphen is
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It is also used between times (10 a.m.–2 p.m.), directions (east–west) and sports scores (15–27).
There is an exception if you are using “from” with “to” and “between” with “and.” Do not use an en dash in that case.
They organized all the files, from A to Z.
My high school years lasted between 2001 and 2005.
Read more about the en dash here.
The Em Dash
The biggest of the three, the em dash can be overused in part because — much like a small child — it often interrupts the flow of a sentence (See? That aside was accurate yet unnecessary). The em dash can take the place of a pair of commas or parentheses to set off nonessential information, or like a colon, it can appear between two related phrases.
We visited the big tourist spots in New York City — such as Times Square and the Empire State Building — and had a great time.
After putting peanut butter on the bread, he realized a hard truth — he was out of jelly.
In AP style, always put a space before and after an em dash. Because an em dash is so dramatic, it should be limited to no more than two instances per sentence. The em dash shouldn’t be used in very many sentences in an article, or it loses its
there is no need or use of this punctuation. This style is very apparent in this quote as the man
Which of the following are correct, according to the AP Stylebook's guidelines related to parentheses?
In “Notes on Punctuation” Lewis Thomas states the different forms of punctuation used in writing. Through this excerpt, the writer Lewis Thomas uses different figurative devices in order to portray a sense of humor while explaining the usage of punctuation. Lewis’s develops the idea of when and how to know when to use the different types of punctuation. These punctuations are used in different ways depending on the tone or to let the reader know when to pause or stop. Each writing style uses these punctuations at varies times, depending on the style.
Dashes communicate more emphasis than a comma, but they are more relaxed than parenthesis, colons, and semicolons. Nancy Mairs may have used dashes in order to communicate a specific emphasis surrounding the situations.The quote from paragraph four is extremely informal. Mairs needs the readers to understand her informality but with more emphasis than simple commas can give. The dashes also give the page visual appeal; they set apart the phrase "damn that woman!"(4) in a way the separates it from the original sentence. Moreover, in the quote from paragraph seven Mairs uses the dash in place of a comma to communicate her relaxed tone. She is showing the readers that she innocently followed directions and then her teacher accused her of doing
The second unique form of writing in this work, a caesura, creates a pause within a sentence where the separate parts are different yet relevant to each other. King Alfred creates dramatic pauses throughout his insert with the use of semicolons. An example of caesuras in The Life of King Alfred is while Alfred explains how previous kings “obeyed God and His ministers; how they preserved peace…” and many other noble
Hightower includes em dash punctuations to set apart parenthetical phrases or clauses in a sentence. For instance, “Dweck posits that successful people -- children who do well in school, powerful CEO’s, and those highly recognized…” (paragraph 1), is set in em dash to replace comma that would otherwise sound awkward if enclosed by comma. Equally important, em dash can go in parenthese to break in thought such as “it’s only fitting that the transformation from ordinary person to Hollywood icon…--- as if stardom somehow elevates the human condition…” (paragraph 2). In fact, Hightower provided an excellent example of em dash clarification from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, “Gatsby’s mind, all along, was fixated upon the single illusory green light of hope -- the money, the car, the girl, the success” (paragraph 7). The em dash can be used in a variety of situations, particularly in Hightower’s article, the author utilize em dashes to emphasis or provide charity the common goal and traits of success a fixed mindset individual shared. Furthermore, em dashes can triggered an informative tone and create attentive mood drawing readers to read further into his
In chapter 5 of Mary Norris’s book, Between You and Me: Confessions of a Comma Queen, she tells the history of the comma, its meaning, and its many uses. The chapter is titled “Comma Comma Comma Comma Chameleon,” and she also elaborates on the use of hyphens and how they use punctuation in the New Yorker. Norris writes about the importance of the comma in certain sentences. She writes about the times she has copy-edited things and has formed her own opinion on how people use phrases and commas. She writes the sentences in their original form and in her revised form so that you will understand what she means in the text.
It also helps us relate to and understand other characters on a personal level. Another pattern that I noticed throughout the chapter that consisted of Oskar’s grandfather’s letter, is his grandfather’s use of very long drawn out sentences. Foer purposely uses long sentences with multiple comma splices to add effect. This effect is hard to put into words but it reminds me a lot of how Oskar speaks as well. It gives you the feel that Oskar’s grandfather was very anxious.
Joseph Conrad employed syntax patterns which is illustrated through telegraphic, compound, and periodic sentence and dashes where he has Marlow to express his point of perspective through the natives in being “not inhuman” and the wilderness jungle to be “monstrous and free.” Marlow used dashes frequently by using interrupted word sentence in which shows the understanding of how Marlow is changing his mindset over time in emphasizing the separation and misinterpretation. Marlow is continuously interpreted the aspect of the environment surrounding him where he is seeing the jungle and the native Africans as he moves upriver in order to get to the Inner Station. By having Conrad to utilize sentence and syntax patterns, the audience has the ability
These differing lengths of sentences allow his writing to flow, get the reader directly to the point, and cause some sentences to stick out. In the middle of this chapter, Gladwell introduces the physician, Stewart Wolf. In the next four paragraphs following his introduction of Wolf, Gladwell places a sentence of just four words at the beginning of each paragraph. He uses sentences like “Wolf was a physician”, “Wolf was taken aback”, “Wolf decided to investigate”, and “The results were astonishing” (pg. 5-7). Each of these sentences jumps out from the paragraph and smoothly notifies the reader of Gladwell’s main intent for that paragraph. Gladwell also uses a mix of long and short sentences in the middle of his paragraphs. On page six, he writes, “This was the 1950s, years before the advent of cholesterol-lowering drugs and aggressive measures to prevent heart disease. Heart attacks were an epidemic in the United Sates. They were the leading cause of death in men under the age of sixty-five”. In this case, Gladwell sandwiches the short sentence by two longer sentences giving it most of the reader’s attention. Alike to Gladwell’s use of varying sentence length, he uses dashes and italics to emphasize certain words and phrases.
I wonder why she did that. If I were her I would have kept it on the same line as the rest of the sentence. Lastly, she uses this symbol: --, and I don’t know what it is. We’ve learned about the em dash and the en dash, but that is not either of those.
The semicolon: is it the most maddening and mysterious punctuation mark? Many writers avoid it altogether: when trying to express thoughts clearly, who needs a “semi” anything? Our task is not to sway your feelings, but to simply provide some definition to your like or dislike. When exactly should one use a semicolon? Fundamentally, what’s the difference between a colon and a semicolon?
It becomes apparent that the use of parenthesis is used as to show thoughts because the wound dresser wouldn’t particularly announce something welcoming death while attending various patients on the verge of dying. Furthermore, the use of the exclamation mark reflects how defeated the narrator is after
The semicolon at the end of the line suggests that there is more to the story of Milly untold, and that the rest of the story is up to the reader’s imagination. “The semicolon is sometimes described as stronger than a comma but weaker than a period” (Penn). The reason it is described as weaker than a period, is because it symbolizes less finality, as the sentence does not end when there is a semicolon, it continues a little further before ending. The inability of a semicolon to end the line reflects that the couplet is not completely exposed to conventions, and is still free from its mechanic form. This shows that Milly is still not entirely exposed to conventions that will dominate her life through rules. However, the fact that a semicolon
Apart from the setting, the characters generate most of the mystery in the story as they remain unknown to the reader throughout most of the short story. Throughout the story Dickens portrays the narrator through his use of punctuation. For example, on the second page, in the last paragraph, the Dickens writes both the narrator’s questions and the signalman’s responses without using any speech marks, “Had he much to do there? Yes; that was to say, he had enough responsibility to bear; but exactness and watchfulness were what was required of him, and of actual work-- manual labour-- he had next to none.” Dickens uses semi-colons and double-hyphens to create the sense that the narrator is talking to the reader, as these are placed where someone would stop if they were talking to another person. This makes the whole story more personal to the reader as it feels like the narrator is talking directly to them - telling them the story. The narrator is also portrayed later on as a caring person as he is worried about the signalman. He tries to reassure the signalman when he is not quite convinced himself, “Resisting the slow touch of a frozen finger tracing out my spine…” The finger tracing his spine is a personification of the fear and doubt that he is feeling, but he resists showing his uncertainty as he wants the signalman to be reassured and comforted.This is shown again slightly later in the story