During our lives we need to cherish the time we have with friends and family that are close to us because nobody is immortal. In the books “Freak the Mighty” and “Bridge to Terabithia” a tragedy struck and the main character still alive found ways to remember their friends. In “Freak the Mighty” a boy named Max wrote a book about the great times he had with his friend who died from Morquio. The same situation happened in a book “Bridge to Terabithia” except the boy Jess continued running their secret fort. So when you do lose someone you should try to find a unique and special way to cherish the memories you share. In “Freak the Mighty” a 13 year old (Max) boy loses his best friend and writes a book that the other boy (Kevin) gave him for
Loss can mean something very different, depending on who you ask to define it and what their history is with it. However difficult the obstacle may be, Tim O’Brien’s words can help alleviate someone’s conscious, because he points out the importance of all those stories lived with that certain person or thing that was lost. Even with my personal losses, I can relate to O’Brien’s views of loss and the importance of all the memories of the lost thing. Loss would not be so impactful if it weren’t for all those sentimental memories and emotions that come with it. It’s necessary to sometimes remember the happy times lived before the loss, to slowly fill up the hole that it created in the heart. It’s true, losing something is rarely anything to be happy about, but if anyone has something that makes saying goodbye hard, they would be considered
The story Freak the Mighty by: Rodman philbrick shows a friendship between two boys that change completely as the story develops. The two characters change as they know each other better. One main character is Maxwell Kane. Max lives with his grandparents, his mom died, and his dad is in jail. Before he met Kevin, the person that changed his life, he thought he was dumb, and had no friends. In fact,Max is an important character in the book Freak the Mighty, because his caring heart to Kevin allowed him to change.
This all changed when his best friend Kevin, a very intelligent, short, boy with Morquio syndrome, came around and turned Max’s life upside-down. Its funny to think that basically all Kevin, or Freak, had to do is remind Max that he is not what everyone thinks he is. The reader will also discover that after reading this book they will be able to accept other people who seem different than them.
The main picture behind the book is about an eighth grader named Max whose is the size of a grown man that lives with his grandparents, however it's not just his appearance in size that makes him an outsider or outcast to others it was his other features in other words his little things. Soon he meets his long lost friend from preschool name Kevin also known as Freak. It's true what they say opposites do attract as they rapidly started to have a stronger bond. Freak might be tiny but he's insanely smart.
The loss of a family member is always hard to deal with and it affects everyone differently. Some people are open about their feelings and others bottle them up. In terms of relationships within a family, usually the closest is between the parent and child. When this relationship is cut short or is nonexistent because of a loss it can be especially devastating. The loss of a family member does not always refer to an actual physical loss, but can also refer to an emotional distance put between two people. In “The Shawl” by Louise Erdrich, there is an example of a physical loss and its effects on the family, while in “Bone Black” by Bell Hooks the loss shown is of the emotional kind and it's aftermath. It is interesting to view these stories
Throughout the story Kevin and Max always helped each other through hard times. To begin with Freak helped Max with school, because Max didn't talk or answer during class. In other words that lead the teachers to believe he didn't understand the class or what they were teaching, but he did. Most of all Freak helped Max , by telling the teachers he wasn't dumb, but he was just shy and he did understand it. In fact Kevin also taught Max how to write and expanded Max’s vocabulary.
Max learns tons of facts, how to read, write, and lots of other academic based stuff. In return, Max gives Kevin a way to explore the world on top of Max’s shoulders. It is in this way of “...walking high above the world”(40), that they go on adventures all over town. Max helped Kevin achieve his dream of being mobile and able-bodied by providing a way to explore the world on his shoulders. Kevin helped Max catch up to his appropriate grade by teaching Max how to read and then write. Philbrick starts the book with “I never had a brain until freak came along and let me borrow his for a while…” (1). This shows just how important Kevin helping Max was in the story. Max practiced reading and writing enough to move out of the L.D. (Learning Disabled) group, to be with Kevin, making the friendship even tighter. All of this goes to show how important, contributing to a relationship is in Freak the Mighty.
People go in and out of our life. I have experienced these different losses throughout my life. I remember it was during the summer of second grade right before third grade when I lost my grandfather. I cried for days and when I first found out I chose not to accept it, but later on I realized he truly was gone. I still remember his smile, his laughter, and his kindness and I continue to remember these things because they're the only way I can hold on to him. A different kind of loss I experienced in my life is when my best friend Mahru moved away to Kazakhstan while I was in third grade this loss wasn't permanent, but it wasn't temporarily . These things taught me that people leave but, they are never truly
Each boy is basically half a person each. They are like a whole person together. Max has the body height of a normal person, and Kevin has the brain of a normal human. They became friends the summer before eighth grade and now they are inseparable and called Freak the Mighty. They never left each other's side until Christmas Eve when Max's father kidnapped him. It hurt both of them, they were separated a while, but then got to see each other again. Once they got close again Max found out that Kevin's heart problems had gotten even worse and then he died, it really hurt Max because he lost his only real
Life involves many losses. There are small losses: losing a football game, failing a test, or forgetting an assignment. At some point, though, all of us will experience a major loss: the death of a close family member, a major illness, or a divorce in the family. Loss is inevitable for all of us. If you have ever experienced grief and loss, or if you are currently experiencing it, then you might be trying to recover the wrong way. You might believe that you have gotten over it, but it could come back even years later. When it comes to grief and loss, there are a lot of components that people do not understand, but today there are many methods to coop that will lead you down the path of healing.
When a loved when is gone it feels like a hole in the world. With much grief he says, “Never again will anyone inhabit the world the way he did. Questions I have can never now get answers. The world is emptier. My son is gone. Only a hole remains, Avoid, a gap, never to be filled”(33). This phrase describes his emotions and how he views the world without his son. The author gives advice on what to say to someone who is mourning. He says to never say its Ok because its never okay and death is awful. “ What I need to hear from you is that you recognize how painful it is. I need to hear from you that you are with me in my desperation” (34). When some passes away no one really knows what his or her loved ones are feeling because each death is unique and each person is different. The wisest of words don’t even make the pain go away, and all that can be done is lending an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on.
A loss is something most people find difficult to deal with. A term commonly used to refer to loss is been bereavement, which is the position of having lately departed with someone important in one’s life through death. It is normal in the human world to experience such a loss and people ought to know how to manage such experiences when they do happen. Bereavement is never easy; it is a period that individuals experience too much suffering that leaves them feeling vulnerable. Some people are also at risk of developing physical health and mental problems. It can take months or
“I never had a brain until Freak came along...” - Max This summer I had the pleasure of reading “Freak The Mighty” by Rodman Philbrick. It is a tale about 2 eighth graders that are best friends. The main character, Max also referred to as Maxwell is much larger in height and weight compared to other boys his age. Also, he is unintelligent and lazy.
Losing a loved one is like having the rug swept from under you. We make plans for the day, and do not think twice about how those plans can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I never thought much about it myself, until I was faced with the shock, and undeniable truth of my uncle’s death. I do not think anyone really thinks about tragedy until they are actually faced with shocking news. It is amazing how we take life for granted. The tragedy never goes away. You just learn how to cope with it and keep moving on.
A loss is something most people find difficult dealing with. A term mostly used to refer to loss is bereavement which is the position of having lately departed with someone important in one’s life through death. It is normal in the human world to experience such a loss and people ought to know how to manage such experiences when they do happen. Bereavement is never easy; it is a period that individuals experience too much suffering that leaves them feeling vulnerable. Some people are also at risk of developing physical health and mental problems. Adjusting can take as long as a few months up to years depending on the individual in question.