
Comparison Of Hillary Clinton, Politics And Feminism

Satisfactory Essays

The topic I am studying is Hillary Clinton, Politics and Feminism since it will help me learn how the invisible barriers of the glass ceiling effected the outcome of her recent political campaign .Feminism is opinions and movements that support equal rights activities in governments,institutions and universities. The glass ceiling efforts that prevent women and different ethnic groups from advancing into upper employment positions. My informative essay Is based on the written work of Clio Chang and her article called Hillary Clinton Represented One Form of Feminism will be a source of information in this memo.
Why Did the Glass Ceiling and Hillary Clinton's Political Views Effect the Outcome of Her Campaign? this type of essential question help students advance their learning when they conduct further research on it. I also chose to study this topic is because it will help me explain how Hillary Clinton was able to use her political career to overcome public and government gender discrimination and it also helps people understand the issues that caused her to lose the current election.
Hillary Clinton was born on October 26,1947 in Illinois and she has been an active feminist with ties to political …show more content…

Additionally, these activities also help them learn about the successful outcomes and accomplishments she has made in her career as a government worker. Clio Changs’ article evaluated the relationship between Hillary Clinton, Politics and Feminism in her recent run for president. The article called Hillary Clinton Represented One Form of Feminism also examined how she surpassed discrimination against women in her career. Clio Chang also showed me how her political opinion and discrimination issues play a role in the demise of her recent presidential

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