
Comparison Of Leininger's Culture Care Diversity And Universality Theory

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As we progress through the different theories, it seems that the theorists are finding their way back to the roots of nursing in different ways. During its origination, Nightingale, based the filed off the notion of providing adequate care. This care focused on the patient, their immediate environment, and community considering all aspects that can affect the patient’s health. However, over time nursing began to focus more on disease processes and appropriate treatments, slowly moving away from its core. With a new push to direct nursing back to its origin, these new theories are allowing nurses different routes to form a nurse-client interaction.

Currently I still believe my nursing practice more closely mirrors Neuman’s system model. …show more content…

I realize the importance for nurses and other healthcare professionals be educated on the different global cultures, as America is a global melting pot. Smith and Parker (2015) state the culture care theory “desires to discover unknown or little-known knowledge about cultures and their core values, beliefs, and needs” (p. 304). Within this theory fifteen orientational definitions have been defined. These definitions allow the nurse to break down the patient and nurse interaction regarding each person’s cultural differences, diversities, environment, worldview, and social structure. However, a disconnect often occurs between the professional (etic) and generic (emic) care definition. The professional care definition takes what we learned throughout our years of education to improve a patient’s health. The generic care definition uses the patient’s indigenous, traditional, and local folk knowledge to provide adequate assistance and support for healing. With the appropriate combination of the orientational definitions, patient’s will receive optimal

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