After reading the original story, the play written by Shakespeare and watching two different movie adaptations by two different directors, it’s obvious that the same story can be told in different ways to meet different purposes. This will be influenced by the director, who will modify the original story depending on the circumstances such us trends, time and even from his own experiences. All this modifications make every adaptation unique and special. One of the biggest changes from Shakespeare’s version is the suppression of King James episode. It was included in the original play to please King James I and IV since this character was one of his ancestors. Neither Polanski nor Stewart had the necessity of pleasing him, so they omitted …show more content…
Nonetheless, in this movie, any of the kills are shown. This creates the illusion that the crime are much worse than they appear, so disgusting that the director find convenient to show them, augmenting MacBeth’s mad and evil auras. In every version, Macbeth takes the crown and from that point, his life goes downhill. Nonetheless, this can be presented in different ways: In the original stories, supernatural phenomena occur, such as he ghost dagger. These are created by the gods to punish him before he dies but in the most recent version the dagger is invisible for the audience. This detail changes the story, making Macbeth go crazy by himself, instead of the gods. In the first movie, the witches only appear in certain scenes, but in the second one, the witches are permanent. In the first version they are the connection between the magical and the real world. Meanwhile, in the second movie, the witches represent Macbeth’s conscience, that in the last moment lead him to give up and accept his destiny letting MacDuff kill
Macbeth, like any play, is open to interpretation by the performers. Each separate performance is unique. The different stylistic choices made in performances of the play change the way that viewers see the characters and events. This means that while the events of the Goold and Polanski films are the same, they tell us slightly different stories. It is interesting to look at the two films in terms of their faithfulness to, and their divergences from the original text, and the effects that these choices have on their viewers.
Comparing 1971, 2006, 2010 versions of Macbeth there are multiple differences in the movies. The version of Macbeth in 1971 begins with three witches all three different ages. The three witches had also buried a person's hand in a sandy beach. When they placed the hand into the hole with a bloody dagger, they also were saying a spell. In 2006 another version of Macbeth was made. In this version the three witches had red hair and looked like they were sisters. The three witches were in a graveyard destroying tombstones. The version of Macbeth made in 2010 was more on the gory side. The three witches were younger late 20’s early 30’s. The witches were located in a hospital with them ending in killing an injured man. The three witches ripped the
The three witches play a very important role in affecting the actions of Macbeth with their ability to steer him in the direction they desire. They not only use their supernatural powers but also prey on his greed and ambition.
The original Macbeth is most notably a tragedy but also has comedic aspects to it as well. The film Macbeth really accentuated that tragedy aspect but eliminated all of the comedic relief from the original. Scotland,PA did the opposite and even though there were still factors of a tragedy they really used those scenes to make the fact that it was a black comedy abundantly clear. Even in the darkest and grimmest moments there was still an obvious sense of humour which really differed from the original play. Scotland, PA barely resembles its model Macbeth because it has been modernized and only contains a similar plot and similar character names. However, in contrast, the film Macbeth attempts to be faithful while intensifying the tragedy aspect of the play, adding their own interpretation, and adding details to places where the play itself was
fate will be sealed and it will be time for the witches to ‘meet with
In Macbeth, the witches exemplify some of the important themes through their supernatural abilities, and these themes are important to deliver the
Macbeth is a play about a Scottish general (Macbeth) who receives a prophacy from three witches that states that one day, he wil become the king of Scotland. This makes Macbeth power hungry so he decides to murder the current king of Scotland, Duncan. As people grow more and more suspicious of who killed Duncan, Macbeth is forced to commit more murders in order to protect himself from being exposed. This leads to him becoming filled with paranoia and guilt, which ultimately is his major downfall. Shakespeare wrote this play in 1606 to make people realize that excessive ambition can have terrible consequences. Both the play and the movie incorporate murders into telling the story of Macbeth, but they do so in different ways.
Macbeth murders many to gain power. He causes the suffering of families and murders former friends. The violence starts with the murder of the king, Duncan, who’d trusted and honored Macbeth; Macbeth kills him to gain the position of king. Duncan’s death is the catalyst; Macbeth subsequently begins to use violence as a regular way to attain power. He murders his former friend, Banquo, refusing to accept that Banquo’s sons will be kings as prophesized by the witches. He says in regard to the prophecy, “Rather than so, come fate into the list, / And champion me to th' utterance.” Instead of accepting fate, he challenges the prophecy and orders Banquo’s death. His final homicide is the massacre of Lord Macduff’s family. When Macduff hears of the brutal slaughter, he cries, “That were most precious to me. Did heaven look on, / And would not take their
Since Macbeth was written, it has been portrayed in various ways. Act 3, Scene 4, of Macbeth is a very popular scene in which Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo and becomes hysterical over the sight. Polanski wrote and directed one version of Macbeth, keeping the original setting and dialogue. In contrast, Goold’s vision of Macbeth put the setting in modern times and changed the dialogue to better fit with the new setting. There are a lot of similarities and differences between Polanski’s interpretation and Goold’s interpretation.
There are many differences between these two version of MacBeth, and each of them, I believe, serves it's own purpose to enhance and better the
Macbeth, is a film that was made in 2015 and was directed by Justin Kurzel. The screenplay used for the movie was written by Todd Louiso, Jacob Koskoff, and Michael Lesslie. On the other hand, the screenplay was adapted by William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. William Shakespeare wrote this play back in 1606. The film and the play have some differences, some being small details that were just added by the writers of the screenplay. However, because this film is based on William Shakespeare’s play, there are also many similarities. A difference that stood out in the movie was the opening scene, where it shows a burial being held for what the audience can assume is Macbeth’s son. What I noticed throughout the film was that the storyline was based off of what was taking place in the movie (actions), rather than what
The act of the murder is indeed brutal as Macbeth stabs King Duncan in his sleep. This murder needed to take place in order for Macbeth to achieve Kingship soon. After Macbeth kills Duncan he assumes Kingship. More bloodshed occurs when Macbeth realises that his Kingship could be in danger as he remembers that the witches also prophesised Banquo’s children taking the throne. He sends murderers to have Banquo and his sons killed.
The Three Witches are the ones who introduce the paradox that runs throughout the play. The theme affects these characters because although they speak of the future, they do not seem to affect the course of it. They are the agents of fate because they only speak of the truth of what will happen. Macbeth refers to the Witches as the Weird Sisters. In fact the word "Weird" comes from an old English word
To understand Shakespeare’s tragic play, Macbeth it is necessary to fully comprehend the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The differences between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are profound. Over the course of the play, Shakespeare skillfully changes the role of the two characters. Macbeth is frightened at the beginning then confident at the end while Lady Macbeth confident at the beginning and frightened at the end.
In Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Shakespeare introduces an element of fantasy into his tragedy through the characters of The Witches. The Witches are important figures in the play, as their function is both to predict Macbeth’s fate and to signal what is to come. The Witches help focus on some of the darker and more sinister aspects of the play. The Witches represent chaos, conflict and darkness, which are features of tragedy. They tell Macbeth predictions that seem fool proof, but in fact are not and lead Macbeth to his downfall while manipulate and deceiving him as well for their own game. The Witches seem to take many forms in the play and predicts the play itself.