
Compassionation Of Charlie In Flowers For Algernon

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An adjective I would use to describe Charlie in the story Flowers for Algernon, would be compassionate. Compassionate means to feel or show concern for others. Charlie is compassionate because when he realizes that Algernon has to learn something new before he eats, he quickly says “That made me sad because if he couldnt lern he woud be hungry.” Charlie believes that it is wrong and he thinks that for Algernon to eat he shouldn’t have to pass a test. In the story Charlie says “I dont think its right to make you pass a test to eat. How woud Dr Nemur like it to have to pass a test every time he wants to eat.” Charlie is also warmhearted. Ths means that charlie is sympathetic and kind when it comes to Algernon’s feelings. Charlie says “...because

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