Competency: Oral Communication Definition: The ability to make thoughtful reasoned decisions beneficial to both the patient and the dental firm, and communicate those decisions. Lead Question: Tell me about a recent time when you had to communicate technical information to non-technical personnel. What was the information? Probes: • What type of technique did you use to make sure your technical information was understood by the non-technical personnel? • Please explain what actions you have taken when a patient appeared to be confused with your reasoning or decision? How did you handle that? • What was the outcome? Level Interpretive Guide Rating Preferred • Enjoys working on/with teams • Found another way to explain the information …show more content…
Lead Question: Tell me about the last time you were on a team, what was the goal? Probes: • Who was on your team and what were their roles? • What actions did you take specifically to achieve the goal? • What was the result? Level Interpretive Guide Rating Preferred • Applicant offered their individual actions/contributions made to the team • Active participation within the team with examples • Goal achieved, offered examples of team members contributions • Discussed importance of the results within the team 5 4 Satisfactory • Offered examples of everyone on the teams contributions • Motivated others on the team to achieve the desired goal • Outlined steps taken to reach goal 3 Not Preferred • No examples of teamwork given. • Unable to define his/her specified role in a group. • Lack of interest in working in a team 2 …show more content…
I think all of the skills are important, but as a fearful patient myself, oral communication skills are quite important in a customer facing position. First, I reflected on how much anxiety I have about going to the dentist, I have to be medicated, even for routine things such as cleanings. I thought it was important to assess each candidate’s ability to relate to all individuals, but especially those who are nervous or scared and take steps to alleviate their anxiety by using their interpersonal skills. My hygienist has been cleaning my teeth for years, she has a calming effect, is patient, kind, and never hurts me. Recently, my dentist office called to remind me I had a cleaning appointment coming next week with Marilyn. MARILYN DOES NOT clean my teeth, Audrey cleans my teeth. I immediately felt my heart racing as I questioned them about this error. What happened? Where’s Audrey? Oh, she had a baby? When will she be back to work? I would like to reschedule with Audrey. You might wonder why, why would I react this way, FEAR is the answer. The last time when Audrey was out the replacement hurt me. Thirdly, I selected teamwork as a competency, I believe we all must work together to accomplish most work related tasks. Lastly, I selected interpersonal skills, we
They should work together in order to make the messages clear. There should not be jargons or technical language to avoid confusion. The message should be purposeful, accurate and precise.
It is important to ensure that we meet the need of the students on every level. One effective way to do this is to observe, assess, and record children’s efforts and progress. In this way, an educator can prepare to help a child’s progression in the class. Being able to track and refer to the progress of a child helps to ensure greater levels of success. In the end, our program is only as successful as the children in our care. Record keeping can identify areas that need improvement, and allows us to teach to their strong points.
Describe how to use different methods of communication to ensure that the work carried out is productive.
In 1889 Jane Adams along with Ellen Gates Starr, as the pioneer or "Mother" of social work opened the doors to Chicago's Hull House, which provided social services that included: child care; education in history, music, and mathematics; a library, employment assistance; as well as many others to immigrant communities in the city (NASW 60th Anniversary Interactive Timeline, 2016). Today, the philanthropic work of two women has become the field of social work, with thousands of professional social workers continuing the work they started. Like everything else, the field of social work has evolved over the years to to become a diverse and expanding field. According to the text “Social Work Values and Ethics” by Fredrick G. Reamer (2013), “at its infancy in the late
To provide a developmentally appropriate learning environment that is safe, healthy, respectful and supportive of children and families. For the learning environment to be safe, I ensure that I always check identification, and have parents notify me whenever someone new to the list will be picking up. I always bring my roster with me to ensure I have all my children with me. I do a roll call every time we get to a new area after traveling anywhere away from our room, and before leaving the room. Another way that I make the learning environment safe is by covering all the outlets in the room, and making sure sharp or dangerous objects are put away, and out of the children’s reach. I put cleaning supplies and other chemicals in high locked cabinets.
Describe how to use different methods of communication to ensure that the work carried out is productive.
Another imperative social skill is to demonstrate authentic interest in your coworkers and patients. In the dental field,
Type 1 diabetes (T1DM), which accounts for 10%- 15% of all diabetes, is increasing in prevalence globally. According to Diabetes Australia (2015), diabetes becomes the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia among all other chronic illness such as heart disease or cancer. Although T1DM cannot be prevented or cured at the present as the exact cause of the disease is not yet fully understood, it can be managed with insulin injections or insulin pump (Diabetes Australia, 2015). However, a person with Down Syndrome (DS) and moderate intellectual disability (ID) will face more health challenges managing his chronic illness than those without ID or genetic condition. ICF model will be used to analyse this person’s activities limitation and participation restrictions in the essay. Finally, an effective nursing communication intervention will be applied by the community nurse to educate this 45 year old male to reduce risks of developing complications associated with T1DM.
Place a checkmark next to those skills that you feel you need to work on.
The purpose of this article is to detail the process of a group of professors to better prepare electrical engineering students for technical communication. After meeting with industrial partners and discovering that students from their engineering program lacked proficiency in report writing and communication skills, the professors sought to give the students more exposure to these types of communication. In order to do this, the students are asked to prepare both memoranda and project reports for a specified assignment. The expected format, content, and an outcome model is uploaded to a website that the students can access, and they are then expected to mimic these examples. The ending products of the assignment were then graded by a separate professor and each student
When I first started working at TAPCO, I had little to no experience. The woman who was working in this position before me was retiring and the position needed to be filled. I interviewed for the job and in the same day, was hired. During the few days that I was trained, I learned all I could before she left. Figure 8.3 shows the process of communication. The sender encodes the message for the receiver to decode and then gives feedback to the sender. In my case, the woman who was training me was the sender. She had to teach me how to use the software programs and how the employer expects everything to be done. She would tell me to enter “SPR latches” into the “latch” or the “.035 SST Wire” into the “type of wire”. Of course, I was confused because I have never worked in an office or worked with security doors and screens. She had worked for the company for five years and knew every jargon, or specific words, used in the company. She started off by teaching me how to correctly type the production sheets for the purchase orders that would come into the office. Communicating with her in person made it easier to understand what she was saying because I could read her facial expressions and her body language while she was teaching me. She could show me the step-by-step process by pointing to the screen or writing it down for me to understand how she did it. In this case, I am the receiver. I had to decode what she was trying to tell me and give feedback of what I understood. I
The following communication skills are important in my career field. Having a great attitude is a plus as a medical assistant because this field is a customer service field, and when you make the clients feel welcomed, it
Before the NCLEX exam was established, each state created its own nursing regulations and exams to determine the competency of nursing students (“NCLEX-RN® Examination”, 2016). In 1941, the National League of Nursing created a better exam that was adopted by all states, in order to streamline the process, and the test was called the State Board Test Pool Examination (“NCLEX-RN® Examination”, 2016). Locations to take the exam were very limited and had to be big enough to accommodate many people at once, since the test was only offered twice a year, and in order to take it, student nurses had to register about six months in advance by mailing in their approval to test (Johnson & Kappel). The exam was given using paper and pencil, and for every thirty-five students, a retired nurse was hired as a proctor (Johnson & Kappel). The questions were the same for all the students in order to make testing fair, and students had to wait for weeks before their results arrived in the mail (Johnson & Kappel). The test was officially named the NCLEX in 1982 after the National Council of State Boards of Nursing took over the responsibility of the test nationally a few years beforehand (Johnson & Kappel). The total number of questions on the test before 1982 was 720, before being reduced to 480 and then 370 questions (“NCLEX-RN® Examination”, 2016).
Technical communicators can incorporate certain usability techniques that help them to ensure a great user experience. These basic usability techniques are as follows:
The situation in scenario 1 could leave a patient very disappointed due to lack of effective communication.