
Complexity Of Cult

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To understand the complexity of a cult a person must first understand the meaning of what that word truly defines. In a dictionary, you would find the meaning of the word as the system of religious worship or ritual. But if you take this definition literally then a Christian would be insulted. Just because a person follows God or a “god” does not mean they are in a cult. Nevertheless, the word “cult” has few different meanings. The structure of a cult has varied differences but the goal is the same. AS a Christian, I disagree with the term in most dictionaries. Christians describe with the term found in most dictionaries. Christians describe cults in a different perspective. In our judgment, a cult is a religious group that falsifies the …show more content…

Generally, a cult leader is very charismatic and distinguished as unique or extraordinary in some way. Cult leaders will claim to be an angel, messenger from the heavens or even God himself. Since they are the leader, they become the center of worship. Thus, they are very dangerous. To go against the leader is threatening and jeopardous. The consequence of going against the leader can be torture, excommunication or even death. Not that being excommunicated would be devastating for us, believers. Unfortunately, leaders will most likely get his way no matter what or how he does it. In conclusion, it’s best to not join a cult less go against it. Throughout history, there have been a number of recorded cults. One version of a cult is the Mormons. According to Mormons of Nature of God; he gradually disintegrates over a period of time. But they do see God as the Supreme Being of our universe. Christians will argue otherwise. In our faith, God is the alpha and omega and there is no end or disintegration approaching him. Second. Mormons see the nature of man …show more content…

The religion is an atheist UFO religion founded in the 1970s which focuses on the social ideas of sexual self-determination, individualism, and humanitarianism in the spirit of sharing and responsibility, which, they claim, will bring a new age of wealth and peace guided by those with greater intelligence. They believe in humanoid extraterrestrial which is known as primitive ancestors as Elohim “those who came from the sky”. In other words, they believe in aliens. He believes in human cloning and “mind transfer.” He said he received a message explaining our origins and future was dictated to him in December 1973, during personal meetings with a 25,000-year-old extraterrestrial named Yahwell who came in a UFO. UFO stands for an unidentified flying object. His belief is that God Created humans and all life on earth using DNA manipulation and genetic engineering. One of these religious cults is Heavens Gate. Heavens’ Gate was a secretive New Age religion. Knowledge of their practices is limited. Upon joining the group, members often sold their possessions in order to break their attachments with earthly existence. For many years, the group lived in isolation in the western United States. Members often traveled in pairs and met with other members for meeting o presentations they gave to recruit new

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