C.A.F.R stands for Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and is used by the United States government means to check the fiscal position of a state, municipal or any government entity. The report must comply with the accounting standards, that is, G.A.A.P (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) which are promoted by the G.A.S.B.
The entity I choose is the Talbot County in Maryland, which is a government entity; its report is composed of 125 pages, which clearly show the financial position of the county. The report is divided into three sections; the introductory section, the financial section and lastly the statistical section. The introductory section gives us an overview about what to expect for the fiscal year, it goes on to assure the
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The report goes on to tell us about the various bodies, which have validated the figures that are in the documents; it has followed all the procedures undertaken. A normal financial report is supposed to go through several authorized bodies before it is presented to the final organization that is G.A.S.B. The report also details the location of the county, its establishment date, the number of towns under its care and their locations. The organization of the government of the county is also described, which is a way of displaying the bureaucratic order within the county, the electing period of the legislative among others. (Granof, 2011) The services provided by the county government are also listed these services help improve the welfare of the residents of the county and in the end reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. The budget allocation process is also depicted, the person in charge who is the county manager and supervision of the county council. The procedures for submission of requests during the budget making are also explained. The introduction goes on to list the factors that determine the financial position of the county, being aware of such factors enable the budgetary committees to know their adversaries. (Ruppel, …show more content…
The auditor acknowledges that they did not perform an audit the Board of Education financial statements. The auditing body approves their work as being above par and how they achieve their objective of understanding the financial statements of the county. The auditor also provides an overview of the contents they have included in the final report. They also display strict adherence to the regulations set by the GASB. (Granof, 2011)
The entity in question did not receive an opinion from the audit firm this is because they are provided with few procedures, which do not suffice to provide assurance about the statements. (Fischer, et, al, 2012)Although the audit firm is supposed to come up with opinions concerning the financial position of the county, the G.A.S.B provides limited procedures for the audit firm to manipulate. (Ruppel,
For the final project in ACC380 Accounting for Not-For-Profit, we were asked to prepare a Statement of Activities, a Statement of Unrestricted Revenues, Expenses, and Other Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets along with a Statement of Changes in Net Assets for Lee College which is a private not-for-profit college. In addition to the financial statements, we were also asked to explain the process that was used to prepare the financial statements and to offer an in-depth analysis of the financial health of Lee College.
The requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework relevant to accounting estimates, including related disclosures
“Access to good financial information is essential to success in the policy and financial management arenas” (Bartle, Hildreth, Marlowe. P. 222). Proper accounting is the cornerstone to working towards a balanced budget. The CAFR (comprehensive annual financial report)
In 2015, the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee audited Hector School District. In the Summary of Auditor’s Results and Financial Statement Findings, the auditors did indicate a material weakness in internal control. Here, the specific requirement noted that management is where the responsibility falls for implementing sound accounting policies and maintaining internal control over financial procedures that are consistent with their own assertions found in the financial statements. The stated condition for this material weakness was that the district failed to segregate financial duties among qualified employees. Instead, one sole employee was in charge of all of the financial accounting duties. Thus, the school
This research paper will detail the modified accrual revenue recognition in State and Local Government (SLG) accounting. There will also be discussions on the guidance of governmental fund expenditure recognition, and how it is used in state and local governments. Certainly, there are differences between the fund and the government-wide financial statements, but there are some similarities. Within the paper, it will include the purpose as well as the content of the financial statements. While explaining the government-wide financial statements, the preparation using derived information in the conversion worksheets, will be presented. Lastly, in this research paper, I will explain the elements of a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).
The auditor’s report is a major source of information that officially evaluations an entity's financial status. In conjunction with the auditor’s official evaluation of the entity’s financial status, the auditor provides an assessment of the firm’s monetary position and future. Auditors can provide four types of reports: unqualified opinion, qualified opinion, adverse opinion, and a disclaimer of an opinion. An unqualified opinion (clean report) which is issued in most cases expresses the opinion that financial statements are presented in accordance with general accepted accounting principles and is void of misrepresentations. The unqualified
In the second half of this paper, I will analyze is the State of California’s Financial Report. The government is not a nonprofit, although they are quite similar; therefore, the government’s financial report will be evaluated using different methods and from different perspectives. To get a broad overview of this government, first, the financial position and economic condition of the State of California will be evaluated. Then, things with more depth, such as budget planning, funds, and infrastructure, will be discussed.
A review and an audit report are both a form of an attestation engagement. A Review, however, is less in scope so it provides a moderate level of assurance on the financial statements. It is considered a “sniff” of an audit, which comparatively provides reasonable assurance that no material misstatements occurred. Since a review deals with a limited scope, it does not provide the basis for expressing an opinion on the presentation of the
The comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) that I have used to develop important financial and budget data that are unique is the Elizabeth School District. Once initial impressions and tentative conclusions are gathered from the CAFR and districts website for period ending June 30, 2013, I will give an overview of budget and financial issues by comparing and contrasting the differences found based on the initial review and after the interview with the business administrator. Additionally provide new information found after the interview that was not included in the CAFR. Next, I will emphasize on important topics to better understand the context of the district’s budget and financials. Last part of the components will emphasize
Consolidated financial statements are the statements gives a combination of the accounts of a business and all the subsidiaries during a financial period.
In a financial audit, the Auditor General is looking directly at the transactions and financial statements of the entity in search that the financial statements have been presented fairly with full disclosure and that they have met legislative authorities. With more than ninety-five audits performed on different government departments, Crown corporations and governments of the Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest territories, these financial statements are a great source in deciding whether or not these entities have been spending public funds appropriately. The Auditor General will come to a decision about whether or not the transactions have followed laws and will bring to the attention of Parliament anything believed to be of importance.
The audit was conducted in accordance with the U.S. generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS), and was performed to obtain reasonable assurance that the statements are free from material misstatement (City and County of Denver, 2017b). It is BKP’s opinion that the financial statements listed above were presented fairly in accordance with GAAP. They also reviewed the required supplementary information provided, however were unable to express an opinion as limited procedures could not deliver sufficient evidence. It was noted that BKM had completed audits of the city’s 2014 and 2015 financial reports, and expressed the same/unmodified opinion (City and County of Denver, 2017b).
The audit committee’s responsibility was to look over the accounting and financial reporting process as well as the financial statement audits; appoint, compensate and oversee the external auditor; and to ensure that the company has a whistleblower program. (p. 52) At first glance the committee could notice that something was not right with the company’s financial records. But nothing was done and nothing was said.
Financial reporting is a report which is reflects the financial position of the enterprise and operating results. It is including the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow and statement of stockholder’s equity. (Averkump, n.d.) The financial reporting uses by the external factors like investors, creditors and so on. The purpose of financial reporting is evaluating and predicting the result which is about the financial status, ability to repay, operating results and earnings of the company. It can help the external users to make better decisions. So the general financial reporting should use the statement of accounting concepts and accounting standards. It is more comfortable for the reader to read it. Reporting entities are all entities in respect of which it is reasonable to expect the existence of user dependent upon general purpose financial
The nature of an organisation determines the different financial statements required to be completed annually. This report will analyse three contrasting types of entities, in addition to the differences in the annual reports produced.