Chapter I
Background of the study The way the class was maneuver where depended on the teacher who utilizes it. Hence, whatever the technique and style of the teachers in teaching was always the crucial point. No wonder, many teachers were now trying to innovate the old learning styles and replacing it with new and more fun techniques like the Computer Aided Instruction (CAI).
Despite the revolutionary advances in the field of computer-based education, technology remains simply a tool. Potentially powerful and stimulating, the computer is only an inert object that can never be a substitute for the personal touch of the classroom teacher. Without proper integration of computers into the curriculum, the benefits of
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4. Lack of graphic diagram that could aid in identifying the parts of the body.
The motivation of the developers to create and develop software is grounded on the solution to the problems specified by the respondents. It provides information to help or encourage students’ interaction in the classroom discussion to be presented in a multimedia format which includes videos, animations and sound effects. The project aims to aid instructors and modernized its way of teaching such as computers with multimedia simulation to catch the student’s attention in class.
Objectives of the Project
General Objective The main objective of the study is to develop an Interactive Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) for Basic Proficiency Learning for Pre-School Kinder-ll Level of Daniel M. Perez Central Elementary School.
Specific Objectives:
1. Provide the capability to authen
2. ticate authorized user.
1.1 Sensitivity of password as part of the security posture.
3. Provide an effective handling of student record.
3.1 Provide verification control on the data added.
4. Provide the ability to manage class.
4.1 Allow adding of class lesson by subject.
4.2 Able to upload still image and video.
4.3 Provides confirmation control to restrict unauthorized access and free from human error.
5. Provide the capability to administer time-bounded activities.
5.1 Allows adding of questions its answers and duration of activities.
6. Provide embedded videos in learning rhymes.
The battered woman defense is a defense that is used in court to defend assault/murder charges where the defendant is abused and commits a offence under duress or necessity. It is mainly used by women and also referred to as the battered woman syndrome/battered wife syndrome.
Computers have first become widely adopted educational technology since the 1980’s in the schools across the United States. Consequently, technology has become part of teacher accreditation and is being integrated ubiquitously into the areas of faculty development, student academics, curriculum design, and resource allocation.
With the explosion of technological advances in the 21st century comes the increased need for the incorporation of technology in the educational field. The classrooms in America can all benefit from the use of technology to increase the understanding of academic content whether in the general education or special education setting.
Technology of the past 20 years has become a focal point of teaching and learning. As a teacher, it is my job to facilitate the learning for an individual by creating an environment that not only conducive for learning, but also places the child in a position to discover and learn them for themselves. Technology has given teachers to opportunity to take learning beyond the classroom, and has begun to reshape their role in the learning process.
Studies created at the elementary level often fall in this category utilizing specific software or on line programs designed for this purpose. In the high grades and for adult education, technology can be used with multimedia activities including virtual tours and other activities that may require the four domains of language acquisition: listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of the critiques for the technology used for this purpose is the fact that it does not require direct teacher student interaction. The student can work independently with minimal guidance from the teacher.
Teachers can use technology within the classroom to assist with providing instructional guidance and education to students. However, the use of technology in the classroom has both its advantages and
Technology in the classroom is important for teachers, parents, and students alike, because technology use has become a necessary skill for survival in today’s vastly expanding technology driven global economy. Research has shown an increase in student’s success rates when exposed to technology in the classroom. Also technology has opened lines of communication between educators and parents to keep students on track, and help teachers educate better.
Implementing technology in today’s learning environment can have many advantages, for example; in a classroom it, can help with those less attractive lessons, to make it more exciting. This will allow students
It is expensive because analysis, allocation and absorption of overheads require considerable amount of additional work.
Along with incorporating multiple technology strategies in the classroom, teachers must embrace the fact that new trends in technology will continue to change the way we teach. Research shows that traditional methods of teaching can no longer be utilized to capture the interest of children who are being reared during the rapid growth of the computer age. (Harvey-Woodall, 2009, p.3) In the past 10 years, school districts across the country have increased spending on technology because of the popular belief that is enhances student performance. (Harvey-Woodall, 2009, p.5) Studies seem to show a correlation between the use of technology and student performance, because it enhances student engagement.
Around 250,000 years ago humans were introduced, Homo sapiens originated in the grasslands of southern and eastern Africa.
This article attempts to enlighten educators to allow computers in the classroom as a workshop to help improve literacy. The computer allows for students to have both a visual and a verbal reference to a topic, thus, solidifying a concrete comprehension of the text, allowing the student to be further engaged and stimulated with the assignment. Over the years, educators have seen such a vast change in technology, especially in the classroom. It is time now, that educators embrace the change and use it to their advantage. “If students can be motivated and engaged when using technology, teachers should continue to support this type of learning when appropriate.”
Technology is everywhere, it is involved in almost every part of our culture. It affects how we live, work, play, and most importantly learn. With technology being such a fundamental part of our lives and growing each day, it only makes sense that schools incorporate technology in the classrooms. Even though many people support the use of technology in schools, there are those that have concerns about the effectiveness of technology and whether or not it undermines education to solely prepare students for the workforce. Despite the concerns, technology is being integrated with classroom lessons daily, and proving how beneficial it is for student success.
As we navigate through the 21st century, technology in the classroom is becoming further predominant. iPads are replacing our textbooks, and we can research any desired topic on our smartphones. The impact that technology has had on today’s schools has been utterly momentous. Educators have now seen firsthand the numerous benefits of technology in the classroom. According to a study by IT Trade Association CompTIA, around 75 percent of educators have come to the conclusion that technology has a positive impact on the education process. Educators have also recognized the significance of developing these technological skills in students so they will be prepared to enter the workforce after they graduate (Cox). By incorporating technology in the classroom, teachers are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school. The increase of technology has even changed how teachers teach along with how
Education is one of the most important professions in the working world. Technology has done many things for us in today’s society especially for education and schools. Technology in the school system has impacted the students and teachers in many positive ways, including virtual field trips, testing tips, teacher resources, class web sites, and lesson plans. With computer use in our schools, we have access to many different sources and various types of learning.