
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Essay

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Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Everything is stored on the internet including highly classified government information, and your bank information. How do we make sure no one steals, views, or sells your passwords, and private information? Congress passed a law in 1986 called the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) to protect the government’s information. Many laws have been passed that revises the CFAA. The CFAA has imprisoned many people, and many people want changes to the CFAA today. The CFAA was made to cover the majority of computer crimes. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act was created because the United States Secret Service, and other government agencies needed a law to allow them to investigate cyber-crimes. The United States …show more content…

Congress researched and listened to many cases of computer criminals involvement, and compiled all of these problems to create the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Aaron’s law is the biggest and newest improvement to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Aaron’s Law was created and named after Aaron Schwartz, a 26 year old student attending Massachusetts Intuition of Technology (MIT). Aaron had downloaded many MIT Technology Documents. As his court date approached Aaron hanged himself. Congress then passed Aaron’s Law. Aaron’s Law purpose is to create a way that people do not face multiple or many charges against the CFAA. Aaron was not the only person that has faced multiple charges from the CFAA. Andrew Auerheimer was found guilty for attacking AT&T servers, and retrieving data on IPad users. He then transferred the information he found to an internet gossip site. He received 41 months in prison. The same sentence a child pornographer received that month. Another example of someone prosecuted using the CFAA is Keith Downey. Keith was 28 when he attacked PayPal servers. The sentence Keith received was a 15 year prison sentence. The same sentence that people who abuse children, and murder people because of gang activity receive. The CFAA is currently an issue. Many people want the CFAA reformed to this day. Technology improves, and internet crimes become a big problem as it improves. Since internet crimes are nearly impossible to stop or find the

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