Computer science has changed the way we live our lives in many ways. From layman to professionals, computer science has touched everybody’s lives in some way or the other. Computer engineers strive to make our life faster, easier and more organized. The words of Steve Ballmer aptly sum up the vital importance of the sector today - ‘The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn't think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential.’ I feel privileged to be a part of this community that plays a major role in advancements of human lives. From being a jargon of the professionals in the past, computers and technology have now become the buzzword of every field – whether it is entertainment, business, production or medicine, computers are everywhere, making people’s jobs much easier and the end results of their efforts more reliable. In India particularly, the landscape of development in the last three decades has definitely been dominated by the IT sector. The sector has generated employment, created a new cadre of professionals, and placed India firmly on the world map. I believe that aspiring professionals from this sector will continue to have a definite role to play in India’s immediate future. It is in this sector that I wish to play a major role. I am fascinated by perfection and precision in
I became interested in computers during the early 1990s and it happened right in my house. Within my community no one really knew what a "programmer" was or how to become one. At first, programmers were the engineers the circuits and processors. In April 1990, I volunteered to help my brother, a Computer Information Systems major at UTPA, to program the IBM-1401. I was 13-years old, had graduated from high school five years later, and decided to study the field of computers, specifically information technology (IT). In today’s high-tech world, virtually every business needs computer networking professionals to set up and maintain an in-office network (Irvine, 2011). This includes a variety of tasks such as engineering the network infrastructure, administering Windows systems and maintaining an email system (Irvine, 2011).
Computer engineering is a very extensive, challenging career. To become a computer engineer you need years of experience and college education. Many people think this career is easy and good paying, but is not that easy, excessive amount of knowledge is needed to become a top class engineer in this field, but that doesn’t mean it is an impossible task. One must understand that computer engineering is a challenge since before one begins studying it. With that kept in mind an undergraduate must know their qualifications, training, job duties and drawbacks, salary, hours, work calendar and employment in order to become a Computer Engineer.
This statement had a deep rooted impact on my attitude since my childhood. The quest for knowledge has always been a passion for me so when I am faced with myriad of choices for my career,I am determined to pursue research in the field of my interest and for this reason I choose to pursue MS in Computer Engineering at your esteemed university.Since childhood I was influenced by my mother who works in Doordarshan, India’s first Television network as an engineer. I was fascinated by how visual media, message is relayed to the entire nation with the help of technology and computers which were nascent but burgeoning. It was this fascination coupled with my childhood knowledge about basic computer operations that made me to venture into vastness of computers and electronics and aspired me to pursue a degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering major in my under graduation. My strong inclination towards Maths and Science supplemented by high performance in academics during my school years facilitated me to obtain an admission into
As we live in the 21st century, development of science and technology grow very quickly. As far as I have known the field of computer application continuously expanding, and the rapid development of science and technology. It has become necessary in various areas of the goods. Perhaps in the near future, we carry the computers, cell phones and other digital products is not the way with the hands in pocket. Lohr claims that computer science is “young
“People think that computer science is the art of geniuses but the actual reality is the opposite, just many people doing things that build on each other, like a wall of mini stones”. (Knuth, 1968)
Playing games on my father's computer as a child fascinated me in the way the computer works, how fast it develops, and now how the computer helps the world to communicate. It still amazes me in how fast computers change and how communication across the globe is enhanced with the computer. Computers have drastically changed how society lives and does business. Even small businesses can do global sales without leaving their location. With new strategies for business, comes cyber threats of identity theft and theft of intellectual property that brings information technology security and new laws into play. It is becoming a fast and ever challenging world. Computer science enables the ability to program software for protection against these kinds of threats and vulnerabilities. It also enables the ability to program artificial intelligence into the computer system software to enable society to meet their needs in more appropriate ways.
When starting a new career in computer industry there are two paths: college and occupational certificates. College is a lot of time and money to dedicate for most people, especially those with low-income or those who had poor grades in high school. Certificate programs are ultimately faster and cheaper; but lack the well-rounded education college provides. This leaves certificate holders with little choice but to seek out more training if they wish to advance in their careers. Research shows the demands of college is well worth the sacrifice, because college graduates earn higher salaries and see long-term career advancement. This makes it clear that the easy road, although tempting, is not the best investment. When starting a career in I.T.
Now a Day, Computers are to be considered as the eighth wonder of the world. Computers have become essential in every field such as Communication, Database Systems, Banking, Robotics, Medicine, Automobiles etc. I think it’s fair to say that Computers have become most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity and they can be shaped by their user (Bill Gates). The development of Software industry has brought the world to an astonishing proximity and amazing exposures of Computer has constantly promoted actually the concept of “Global village”. The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow (Bill Gates). Definitely a lot in this regard and is changing our lives dramatically.
After going over all of the options that have been placed before me, I have finally decided to pursue a career in computers. I have been raised in the era when computers were making their first appearance in people’s homes. When I was a very small child, I started exploring the
Successful completion of any project is the result of your hard work but with that constant encouragement, goodwill and support of people around helps you a lot. We owe a great many thanks to a great many people who
The field of IT is progressing fast, and it is an important job in serving the technological needs of society. Humans are dependent on technology because it helps accomplish things that could otherwise not be done. It is always present in everyday life, and IT professionals are necessary to support the technology that everyone relies on. People go to IT professionals to fix their computers, create programs and apps, and maintain network connections. Without people who are skilled in this field, there is no doubt that computers and other technologies would be a struggle to use. If there is a lack of knowledge with how IT systems work, then it could affect society negatively because the world is driven by technological connections. It is an important field of study for colleges to offer, because information technology helps advance society. Technology has evolved for hundreds of years, and has always had a role in changing human lives. In the article, “Evolving Information Technology: Opportunities and Challenges,” author Ayub Shirandula says, “The effects of technology change are felt by all human beings. Every day people are reminded that they are living in the information age” (6002). Society has a dependence
IT skills has been contributing more and more working places in the digital world. Royal Geographical Society (2015 21st Century Challenges) states that there are between 75% and 90 % of jobs require at least some computer use. It seems that IT skills separates jobs into high-skilled jobs and low-skilled jobs. One requires at least basic computer use which people can earn a higher salary level. The low-skilled jobs can be replaced easily and arbitrarily. Moreover, people who are sitting behind the skyscraper, who are controlling the government and who are earning the most are the people who knows general computer use. This is why people often contend that lag of IT skills is the basic cause of the digital gap in the UK.
It is universally agreeable that with the advent of Computer technology, every ambitious and enthusiastic individual is really obsessed with the idea of doing computer science at graduate level because it seems to have created a zeal and enthusiasm in the hearts of youth, particularly those who aspire to be marked as high achievers. I, for one, seem to have been enchanted by these computer applications as they have made the world smaller, speaking in terms of globalization. I have no hesitation to add that core computerization alone is the suitable answer to all the areas unexploited and to the areas waiting for development. It has always been a fascination for me about how computers work, how these applications are designed and what can be the newer ways to explore the world of computers to make our world better. This interest became a passion for me when I was exposed to computer science basics, during my middle school. Pursuing computer science engineering at undergraduate level, further propelled my passion for computer science along with providing me a deeper insight and in-depth understanding of the subject. After completing my under graduation in Computer Science, I am willing to expedite my research interest and a masters degree seemed the most appropriate choice for realizing my aspirations.
With this reality, many ideas and improvements are designed and developed to make computer technology attainable and flexible. People of all ages must be prepared and equipped with all the basic skills and knowledge to make individuals competent and literate in the information age.
The benefits of computer science can be minor, and it also can be huge. On the minor side, we can search anything on a computer today, without even having to step outside. For example, if we are looking for some resources for our research paper, we can easily check online libraries instead of flipping through pages from different books at a physical library we had to travel to. It seems to have become fashionable nowadays to write naysayer articles about how popular efforts to expand computer science educations are waste of time. [1]. Computer science is the major key for the establishment of data base for most companies now, and even majority of the companies are running based on computer systems. Computer science plays an important role in the field of education as well. Computer Science is much more than learning to code, and its benefits go beyond knowing a particular programming language. [2]. Most