
Concussions And Injuries For Football Players

Decent Essays

Concussions and injuries are an issue for football players because they have faulty protection for their bodies, they play a dangerous sport, and injuries can cause lifetime ailments to the players. One of the more major concerns about players getting injured in football games is that they have faulty protection on their bodies. Studies have shown that since the start of football, players would get hurt every game. Back then they only have leather helmets. Nowadays, the NFL uses hard plastic with thick padding. Injuries have significantly went down since then but helmets are still a problem today. According to one article they state that “An estimated 1.6-3.8 million sports and recreation related concussions occur in the United States each year.” With people starting to see and hear these scary results, many are starting to rally and protest against professional and recreational football. They don’t want their kids to be exposed to such harm. Some people are even saying they want football to be abolished. …show more content…

“The overall injury rate in NCAA football is 8.1 injuries per 1,000 athlete exposures. There were more than 41,000 injuries and 25 million athlete exposures.” There are more than twice the injuries in football than there are in basketball. This will continue to rise if the NFL, NCAA, and all schools around the world don’t take initiative to protect their players. Many people believe that football should be readjusted to where injuries are no more. However, injuries will happen no matter how protected the player is, which is why some people want the sport to be banned for good. In the article “The 5 most dangerous sports for boys”, Lauren Shanley states, “It’s estimated that every year, doctors treat 389,000 musculoskeletal injuries in players ages five to

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