
Concussions Essay

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The sound of two helmets bashing together sends a piercing crack through the stadium, soon to be followed by a roar of thunderous applause from every fan in the stadium. The next day the paper reads that one of the players in the collision suffered a concussion, nut the only thing people care about is watching the highlight on SportsCenter. Yet, people watching the games, coaching the games, and playing the games have never fully understood the danger of concussions. It is important for people in the football community to become aware of what head to head hits in football cause because they do not know the true danger of concussions and how often they occur, what concussions can lead to, and how drastically football can decrease the quality …show more content…

However, after years of research and experimenting scientist are starting to untie the blindfold that football coaches and analysts have tied around the eyes of society to hide the true damage of concussions. Part of the reason concussions are not taken seriously is because on television no one ever bothers to explain what is truly happening inside the brain of a concussed person, the injury is just said to be a hit or blow to the head. Yet, what most people do not know is a concussion is actually when the brain is offset which causes the chemical balance in the brain to fluctuate and damage/kill brain cells. In their article, “Concussions and Repercussions”, Donald Redelmeier and Sheharyar Raza discuss the long term effects of only one concussion. They express that one concussion “can damage hundreds of neurons and millions of synapses, thereby contributing to subsequent depression, irritability, impulsivity, or suicidal ideation”(Redelmeier and Raza par 1). Neurons and synapses are vitally important to the function of not only the brain but the entire human body as well. Neurons act as the messenger of the brain by

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