I personaly believe that students should be allowed to display the confederate flag in school. Living my whole life in the South I have never seen the flag as being racicist. I have seen it as representing the south and its hertage. I learded that the First Amendment protects student from being prostucuted
Jim Clyburn, I have a problem I would like to address with you, the Confederate Flag Controversy which has caused a lot of conflict in the southern states. Why do people have such different and, conflicting perceptions of what the flag actually means. How did those different meanings, evolve over time?
Is the Confederate flag a symbol of Southern Culture or a symbol of racial injustice? Dictionary.com defines symbol as “a material object representing something, often something immaterial.” When the Civil War first started, the flag became a representative of the Confederate side of the war. After the war, it was thought to be rebellion. Now, it is a symbol of the Southern culture.
For decades, there have been disputes over the presence of the Confederate flag over the South Carolina State House. Some felt that the flag represented the tradition and culture of their state, as South Carolina was the first to secede from the Union. However, many others thought it was a symbol of the inhumane treatment of millions of people before the abolishment of slavery. Since slavery was such a struggle for so many people, many others feel that it is strongly offensive. Joe Davidson, author for the Washington Post and the Federal Diary, described the flag as treasonous. The United States Constitution states, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them” which is what happened during the Civil War.
To many southerners, The Confederate Flag is a symbol of southern heritage and the strength of their ancestors. However, the placement of this flag on Texas government issued license plates has created much backlash. Some southerners take offense to the flag. They view the flag as a representation of hatred and white supremacy. According to Rev. George V. Clark, the flag “Represents hate, something that has made people feel less than human.” Although groups such as, The Sons of Confederate Veterans, see the flag in a positive light, the governor of Texas, Rick Perry, supports the rejection of the plates. Since it is such a delicate topic, he believes it is best not to “be scraping old wounds.” The nine other states that continue to provide
The confederate flag is one of the utmost controversial symbols used in the United States today. There is one question that arises to the use of the flag. Should students in Palmyra Area High school be permitted to advertise information that supports the display of the Confederate Flag in the atrium? Many people feel that the flag should not be shown and any information related to it disclosed from a school setting; however, there are some people that feel that it is their right to display that flag and display information advocating it. I feel that the flag should not be shown in a school atrium and any information pertaining to the flag disclosed from a school setting because of class disruption, case precedent and ethics.
Interpretation means everything. Someone may say a song is great while another will say that it was awful. It is human nature to what to interpret things. The confederate flag is a part of American history. The way the flag is interpreted is different for different people. For some it represents states freedom, natural rights, and heritage. The confederate flag should not have been taken down at the Elizabethtown fair.
It took nine deaths. Nine innocent lives had to be taken before the people of the United States to open their eyes and see what the Confederate flag really symbolizes. The Confederate flag has been flying at government sites, universities, and personal residences for decades, but only recently has this ongoing issue been reignited. After a single gunman, a known racist, opened fire in a predominantly African-American church in South Carolina, the controversy of the Confederate flag has gained attention. The vehicle driven by the shooter bore a license plate featuring this long-time symbol of the South. Since this tragic incident, many people have weighed in on what the Confederate flag actually represents. Though the Confederate flag is to
The Confederate flag is justified because people in the south shouldn’t be flying the flag even though it’s their flag they are just making the U.S. look bad when they are flying the American flag and the Confederate flag. The Confederate flag was a symbol of pride for most of the southerners, they thought they could have put their flag on anything they could and they fought for it and wanted to keep their slaves. I think the Confederate flag should have been taken down a long time ago because they shouldn’t have taken this down before we had the United States flag out and put it in front of the White house instead of the Confederate flag flying out there before we had the American flag made.
Do you think that schools should ban the Confederate Flag in the class rooms? Don’t we have the right to say what we want? Isn’t is a part of our history? Banning the Confederate Flag is absurd. If they are going to ban the Confederate Flag, then they need to ban all flags that are considered offensive.
The actual right of public schools to ban the Confederate flag can be contentious because the Ninth and Tenth Amendments create legal complications. The Ninth Amendment is a “catchall” that allows for anything not specifically banned in the Constitution. This makes it difficult for the government to ban something like the Confederate flag. Because it is not specifically banned in the Constitution, and because of its many ardent supporters the Confederate flag may be interpreted to be protected by the Ninth amendment. The Tenth amendment is what causes potential federalism issues because it leaves all issues that are not specifically given to the federal powers up to the states and therefore, as an extension of the states, up to public schools
When a self-proclaimed white supremist gunned down 9 members of a Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, last week, more than just racial violence once again entered the national spotlight. Among those slain was the church's beloved pastor, Clementa Pinckney. Pinckney was also a Democratic state senator who served as such since 2000.
The beginning of Confederate flag controversy started due to the request of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) to remove the flag off the South Carolina statehouse. This request, based on the fact that the anti-flag groups, claim that the meaning of the Confederate flag as one of hateful and discriminatory views. On the other hand, there are other groups that believe differently which considered themselves pro-flag groups. They claim that the flag holds a sign of history of heritage and should stay on the statehouse. The Confederate Flag 's banning is not necessary nor appropriate. Its meaning can not hold a misinterpretation as what it used to fly over, that being the confederate flag. The confederate flag represented the confederacy just as any flag of any country would represent any other group or country, state, club, etc.
Wearing confederate clothing is the way these students wish to express themselves. It is a freedom of
Before August 12, 2017 many Americans neither cared about nor thought about Confederate flags or monuments in their daily lives. On that day in Charlottesville, Va. was “… one of the bloodiest fights to date over the removal of Confederate monuments across the South.” (Stolberg) This tragic event brought light to a movement that was able to fly under the national radar until that fateful day in August, the removal of the Confederate flag and monuments. This paper will demonstrate the need to move the Confederate flag and Confederate monuments to museums where they can be displayed in the context of history instead of in the public square where they glorify traitors and insurrectionists as heroes. This will be done by providing a brief
The Confederate flag has recently been another hot button issue in education with the events that happened in South Carolina in the summer of 2016. That flag represents different things for different people. African Americans view the flag a symbol of racism and oppression. While white people from the south view it has a symbol of their southern spirit and a salt of the earth hardworking heritage. As this debate continues to wage on, one wonders if the period of Reconstruction is not over. What does one do in the educational setting? If the image of the Confederate flag disrupts the educational setting then it is the principal’s responsibility to make sure the symbol is not scene in school. By doing this some students may believe that their freedom of speech is being suppressed, but the law is on the side of the school districts when it comes to this issue.