
`` Confessions Of A Ritual Tourist `` By Kevin Nguyen

Decent Essays

Journal #2 How this essay (Prose) relates to me is Kevin Nguyen Perspective is the way you see something. Many people around the world see each individual 's different and judge then by how they look and dress. A lot of people do this to make themselves feel better just like Francine Prose in “Confessions of a Ritual Tourist”. She would think the other tourist are disrespectful for not appreciating the ceremonies and think she is better than them. There this famous quote “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. This quote means if someone is trying to pick a book to read, the first thing they look at is the cover to decide whether it interesting. If people took their time to opened the book and look inside instead of judging the cover, they would found good books. This relates to reality when people make fun of each other when they never met before. They do this because they 're jealous that the other person is living a better life. Going to Vietnam for my first time, everyone there would look at me differently because I was an America. They would make jokes about my skin color and say you 're not Vietnamese why are you here. This just makes me feel unwelcome and I wanted to book a plane ticket back to America right away. My mom cools me down and told me it’s normal. I felt all the hatred but told myself just give it a chance and let them know I’m Vietnamese. After they found out I was Vietnamese they started to respect me and saw me as their people. A lot of people would

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