This is a skill that had to be developed through many unresolved issues and conflict. I come from an extremely large family where conflict and dysfunction deems to be the norm. Over the years God has made a tremendous impact on my life that has brought about profound change in the way I chose to respond and communicate in certain situations. It hasn’t been an easy transformation but the results have been rewarding for my family and me. Through change of perception and language we have begun to heal from past wounds and learn the importance of tranquility and love that it brings by equally taking responsibility for our
During this week’s assignment, Peterson (2015) tackles critical components of listening skills. The listening component that I find myself needing to work on is that of not defending what I perceive as attacks against my character during my interactions both with co-workers and family. Naturally, if I am devoting my thoughts to responding or defending my actions, how can I be effectively listening? In addition, when counteracting a statement with a defensive posture or verbal cues, it insights the other individual to feel attacked, resulting in a vicious cycle of both parties being defensive and no one listening or understanding one another (Peterson, 2015).
A person can say the right things, at the right time, and to the right person, based on Susan Silk and Barry Goldman’s essay, “How Not to Say the Wrong Thing.” Susan developed a Kvetching Order to guide people’s choice of statements to different people. The principle is simple: Avoid dumping into the center ring and any ring smaller than one's own (Silk and Goldman para. 14). I like how the authors used a figure to demonstrate the process of showing empathy because it is both visual and sensible.
the majority of your experiences. It is also the way you maintain your composure and contain your emotions
Connections, connections. Improving my self-care of the mind and emotions proceeds mastery of communication skills. Being tough on myself the therapist reassures she will help to remedy.
At home, with my husband, any conflict we have, I know needs to be addressed and addressed in a way where I am confronting him immediately and being completely honest. I can use the words I wish to use as they come to me and can say exactly what I am feeling without sugar coating it. At work, with my coworkers, any conflict that occurs, I must strategically think about how to address the conflict, when to address it and the process that will occur after addressing the conflict.
In order to resolve a conflict i would show I was using careful listening skills and have a calm tactful approach towards that person that offers a compromise that both sides can accept.
Communication is a very important skill for everyone to have. An equally important skill that I think gets overlooked a lot of the time is the non-verbal communication. As a helper who is focusing on the family as a whole, you will need to be able to read and understand non-verbal quos and positioning, but you will need to be able to use them well. To be affective, you need to try to help the family as a whole understand non-verbal communication. Be aware of the setting, your position in consideration to the client(s), physical distance, posture, gestures, eye contact, facial expression, and other things that your client could take one way or the other. Be aware also that silence is a non-verbal skill and use it as a listening skill. Non-verbal communication may sprout some other forms of communication that can get things that may
From an early age, one learns how to communicate with others by engaging in his or her own personal development. These interpersonal styles become valuable to an individual. For instance, one learns from his or her parents how to exercise manners. Over the years, I have acquired interpersonal skills from my family, education, and employment that has proven to be quite beneficial. However, as a human, being perfect is quite difficult. Despite, the strengths that one may possess, weaknesses are also present.
Norm violations are a form of actions that do not seem right to some people. Let’s say that you are in a public place, you are expected to act respectful and normal. Norms describes the expectation of a behavior. (James M. Henslin) One can perform a norm violation by doing the opposite of that, like invading personal space. There can be different reactions to violated norms which sociologists call sanctions. (Henslin) Mores, folkways, and values revolve around norms as well.
My husband and I are both two very defensive people always struggling to get our point of view across. We communicated just like to attorneys in a court room trying to win, as he described in his group. Instead of listening and trying to understand what each other is feeling we jump right into our own emotions.
I have learned that I need to be more responsive to my family and I have become a better listener but there is always room for more improvement. I will not have my children with me forever so I need to do it right the first time because they are going to learn to communicate with other people from me and my husband first. I also realized that life is too short to have conflict in my life and that I need to forgive and forget things sometimes and that if I use better interpersonal communication skills then maybe those conflicts wouldn’t have happened in the first place. “Communication is the heart of personal relationships” (Wood, 2016, p. 362). I am truly grateful for all the information that I learned this term because my communication skills will only get better from
Throughout life, in any society we develop a sense to conform and adjust to our surroundings but why? Our values in our society determines our norms and why we do the things we do. I recently sought out to break these social conformities that violated the values, and norms we hold as a society. Every society is different and, in every society there are different and similar values, norms, sanctions folkways, and mores. Breaking them up and analyzing them we began to understand why these terms and values are so important to us.
Conflict theory is the theory that human behavior in social contexts is the result of conflicts between competing groups, as different social groups, be they class-, gender- or race-defined, have unequal power and access to power, yet all groups compete for limited resources. This inevitably gives rise to tension and conflict, albeit often of the subtle variety, as oftentimes the conflicts between groups have been institutionalized in society to such a degree that the conflicts and tensions are such an expected part of society that the conflict, and inequality, itself disappears from public sight, and consciousness. For example, an adherent of a world systems theory of conflict would point to the global competition for resources, particularly the inequality between rich and poor nations struggling to provide the basic necessities of life to their inhabitants, as evidence of global conflict. Conflict theories seek to explain the interactions of groups within society, and assert that social order is preserved involuntarily through the exercise of power one social class holds over another (Lindsey, 2010, 7). The conflict between groups is not always obvious or apparent, so it must be unraveled and examined in order to identify and establish the impact of such conflict on society as a whole, as well as individual members and social groupings.
You can do this by learning 5 skills. The first two skills are essential for controlling and managing overwhelming stress and the last three skills greatly improve communication. Each skill builds on the lessons learned in practicing the earlier skills and include (according to ): The ability to quickly reduce stress in the moment in a variety of settings. The ability to recognize your emotions and keep them from overwhelming you. The ability to connect emotionally with others by using nonverbal communication. The ability to use humor and play to stay connected in challenging situations. The ability to resolve conflicts positively and with confidence. The key skills of emotional intelligence can be learned by anyone, at any time. There is a difference, however, between learning about emotional intelligence and applying that knowledge to your life. Just because you know you should do something doesn’t mean you will, especially when you become overwhelmed by stress, which can hijack your best intentions.
In this class, I’m learning quite a bit about listening. I’m learning how to listen and communicate better with people, especially when the things I’m listening to and talking about are more on the sensitive side of topics. I’ve always been a very closed off person, even from friends and family. I️ would have a hard time expressing my thoughts and emotions verbally and would get upset with people when they would try to pry. Friends and family would get angry with me when I️ wouldn’t talk or wouldn’t listen to them when all they were really doing was trying to help me. Very frequently when out in public it’s easy to observe this same kind of people or behavior. There are many more people out in the world with poor listening and communicating skills than you may think. For instance, those who get flustered when discussing certain topics whether it’s at the store or a coffee shop. If you like people watching, then you know what I’m talking about.