In response to question one, the immediate reaction to this image I exhibited due to the conflict between the law enforcement and crime is shocking. I myself do not live in an environment where horrific events like this image portray's happen every day. I am aware it does occur, but viewing it in this shot exceedingly alters my perspective of these altercations with the law. Furthermore, I do feel a diminutive amount of sympathy for these people caught in the perilous setting, I myself do not know what these people may be enduring in their life. They could be forced into doing these illegal acts against their will, they may be struggling financially and looked at this as an only option, or they grew up in an environment where these type of
Corruption, the one thing many individuals fear when it comes to their local law enforcement. The crime and dishonesty from those who are supposed to serve and protect us has been around for many years, but has been a very mind puzzling, difficult, and sensitive issue to approach. The dishonesty and fraudulent activities done by those in charge are the ones that support and organize many crimes throughout the United States.
There has long been a debate over which, if any, are the most effective methods of crime control. Governments from bottom to top in our nation have poured over the issue with mixed results for as long as there has been a nation. Until very recently deterrence was completely based on fear of punishment. However, recent years have provided us with a more complete understanding of crime and its roots among the more desirable parts of our society, specifically the mind of a criminal. Through the study of psychology, specifically free will, determinism and social identity, we may find that situational crime prevention is a better means to deter crime in our nation.
In this paper I would be identifying, compare, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and federal organizational levels. I would be Analyzing how the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at these three organizational levels are similar or different and why. Also I would be identifying the leadership characteristics and responsibilities pertaining to each organizational level.
In law enforcement they are required to deal with a variety of issues from race, gender difference and political views, etc. Within law enforcement these different issues have to be handled with respect and discretion, the officer has to be able to separate their personal beliefs and do their job. The job of law enforcement is to enforce law as it is written, it does not matter their personal feeling toward a certain topic. Separating or reassigning an officer to a different forum will just create a dilemma within the department, e.g., if an officer has a religious belief against homosexuals they are required to protect them under the law no matter their sexual preference. Allowing officer to use religious belief as a term not to do their jobs
The United States today is undergoing a societal change in the way we view policing. From this police departments and corrections are having to change and adapt to meet the needs of the people they are serving. Over the history of the country, many types of policies and practices have been implemented in an effort to decrease or at least control the crime. This paper will evaluate current and past practices and analyze the pros and cons in hopes to realize effective methods that can benefit both the citizens and the police.
As Chief I have decided to form an 8-unit task force. This operation will be a collaborative effort involving both the Virtual Police Department and other appropriate “partner” agencies within the criminal justice system. We have decided that there will be 6 departmental units that will be included on the task force from the Virtual Police Department. Our Patrol and Investigations commanders will lead the way in leading the unit to stopping this unethical crime. Our Patrol, Narcotics/Vice, Criminal Gangs and Canine units will lead the charge in the field! They will investigate and leave no stone unturned until we find the individuals we are looking for. We will also use our Evidence Locker to store any evidence that we collect as we build our case. Unfortunately not all units will be part of this task force. These include our Aviation, Animal Control, School Resource Officers and Cybercrime units. We have more of a need for them in other areas where crime is on the rise. We will also be using two other non-departmental units from the Criminal Justice System. These will include the local judicial office our Court, and our local DEA agency… We will lead this proposal by talking about our units that we will be using in the task force…
The world as we know it is becoming smaller and smaller as societies are becoming more and more integrated with technology and that the internet, allowing people to connect with one and another instantly and over great distances. Law enforcement is forced to adapt to the changing environment, thus pushing for more resources and access to surveillance systems to better protect society. The major concerns in regards to this is that many people are worried their freedoms are being encroached upon as in order for law enforcement to provide better security it comes at the risk of sacrificing freedom of speech and privacy. In America, this country holds the first amendment and the fourth amendment in high regard as it insures the people’s well-being
1. Identify and discuss the eight (8) recurring reasons that change occurs in law enforcement agencies.
Community relation issues across the nation have been increasing and causing many conflicts between law enforcement and communities. There has been so much disorder between communities and law enforcements not agreeing on how situation have been handled. Both the community and law enforcements having different perspectives on making decisions without ever looking at the others side and acknowledging each other’s reasoning behind their actions. Racism, responsibility and morals are some of many terms that are yet to be sorted out within all these communities that have on going conflicts. The relationships between a community and its law enforcement is important, although it is the police job to enforce, it is also the communities job to enforce all day and everyday (Russell).
As stated in the text book, some of the examples of groups and challenges that law enforcement face on a daily basis are when dealing with children, the mentally ill, drug trade, gangs, and those who commit domestic abuse (Schmalleger & Worrall, 2009). The reason why these problems are challenging are that due to the special situations that each problem pertains, methods such as traditional routine incident response, and preventive patrol would fail because each require different tactics to combat each problem. With children there are a variety of ways law enforcement might have to handle kids which would include when children are in need of help, troublemakers, status offenders, and actual violent offenders, all require different measures
Throughout the recent election, there was one phrase that we heard quite a bit from President Trump. “Law and Order.” At face value, that phrase did a lot of good for President Trump, anyone would agree that Law and Order is a very popular idea, but what people do not realize are the facts behind that phrase and until beginning to read this book I am not sure I did either. 1 of 30 Americans and 1 of 11 African Americans are incarcerated. Again, the idea of Law and Order is one that we can all agree on, however, I am beginning to question if America is avoiding the larger problem of systemic poverty throughout generations. Upon further research, I found that close to 60 percent of people in prison are people of color. My question is not if
Law enforcement agencies nationwide must constantly adapt to the changing nature of crime and the ways criminals must be prosecuted. New dangers like terrorism, as well as old ones, such as public corruption, threaten the public and force police agencies to acclimate themselves to this new environment. President Clinton explained the need for the development of the federal and local law enforcement agencies.
The historical development of security forces and policy-making in crime and justice from civilization period to the establishment of contemporary nation-states and governments mainly involves the evolution of law and legal structures. Some of the various codes of law and justice that have been promulgated at different periods of history include:
In today’s society it seems as if all the violence that is occurring is revolved around race. Negative law enforcement involvement has been one of the major controversial topics that our generation has been faced with. Race, violence and authority is a very well-known racial disparity that will take some time to be seen otherwise. After the incidents occur, what really shakes the nation is that there is no real accountability. No one wants to admit that an injustice occurred and a small altercation lead to a casualty. Leadership within the justice system often gets challenged with such scenario. Does one discipline and makes an example out of his law enforcement officer (LEO), or does one address the public so that there is no uproar on such final decision.
When we think of crime in the United States we think of violent muggings, shootings, grand theft auto, the high profile headline grabbing crimes that make the nightly new. We do not think of the humdrum crime of home invasion but we should: there is two million home burglaries a year in the U.S. 30% of these happen due to complacency. We say complacency because the thief is able to gain entry into the home through an unlocked door or window.