The turmoil in the Levant region is constantly viewed as an ancient conflict that has been going on for centuries, fueled by religious hatred. In reality the current conflict has less to do with religion than the conflicting claims of two groups to the same region. These claims were made in the early 20th century, anticipating the fall of the Ottoman Empire, with the backing of British promises of an independent state for both sides. These claims stoked nationalism on both sides. The regional arabs began to see themselves as Palestinian before arabs and the new jewish zionist movement called for a jewish state. From the end of the first world war to 1947 both groups claimed the land as their own. That was until the Holocaust.
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Many viewed this as the beginning of the end of the greater Israeli-Arab conflict.
Gradually over the next few decades the surrounding arab nations came to peace with the existence of Israel. But this also marked the beginning of the modern Israeli-Palestinian conflict because Israel still occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The occupation led to the creation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964. They hoped to liberate all of Palestine through violence and destroy the state of Israel. The fighting between Israel and the PLO went on for years. The PLO later conceded and were willing to share the territory with Israel but there was a major issue.
After the annexation of Gaza and the West Bank, Israeli citizens began to settle in the former Palestinian territories. These communities attracted Israelis for various reasons. Many created settlements to claim the land for religious or political reasons, while others capitalized on the inexpensive real estate in the region. The rise of settlements in the occupied regions brought about international criticism due to their legality. The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 prohibits the occupation of territories in a war. Despite this the Israeli government maintains that their settlement are legal because the territories obtained in the Six Days War do not apply to the Fourth Geneva Convention. The government's complacency with
Ever since Zionists (an extremist part of the Jewish population) immigrated to Palestine In the late 1800s, violence has plagued the region. The sheer numbers of Zionists moving in to Palestine scared the Arab population already living there, and fighting began. In an attempt to stop the violence spreading through Palestine, the United Nations stepped in and divided the nation into two separate states, one for the Jewish residents, and one for the Arab population. The dividing of the nations made the Arab people feel cheated, due to a larger amount of land being given to the Jewish people, even though there were less of them. Britain, which had been in control of the nation, quickly withdrew after the separation.
in 1918 britain aided by the arabs captured palestine from the the ottoman turks but britain had now made too many promises that hey couldn't keep . Many Arabs opposed British troops because of England's failure to fulfill its promise and were also getting angry about the increase of jewish migrating to palestine. Arabs became concerned that Jewish immigration would threaten their position in Palestine which lead to large scale attacks on the jews. At the time of Hitler's dictatorship in Germany, Jewish immigration increased dramatically in 1933. An Arab revolt started which Britain suppressed with the help of Zionist militias. Zionist settlements climaxed in 1936. In 1947, Britain forbid Jewish refugees from nazi concentration camps to land in Palestine to prevent war between Jews and Arabs, which resulted in worldwide criticism of Britain. Britain withdrew itself from the situation handing over the mandate over Palestine, leaving the United Nations to deal with the situation. The United Nations proposed that Palestine was divided into two states, one for the Arabs and one for the Jews, however the Arabs opposed this idea claiming that the UN plan allotted too much territory to the Jews. the arabs thought it was unfair that the jews should get more land because the arabs were by far the larger population but because of the holocaust the was a lot of sympathy for the jews and this may be why the got more land.
Before anyone can comprehend the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one must understand the theory of Zionism. Theodor Herzl was the first Jew to have the idea of creating Israel. He was a witness of the Dreyfus affair, in which a Jewish officer was accused of treason, solely because he was Jewish. Herzl also witnessed mobs of people shouting “Death to the Jews”. This was the last straw for Herzl. Herzl decided that there needed to be a change so he made it one of his life goals to create a successful movement in which Jews founded a Jewish state. One of his main arguments was that discrimination against Jews could be eliminated if they had their own Jewish State, and so modern Zionism was formed. The idea of modern Zionism is so pertinent to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because much of the reason for Israel becoming a Jewish state is behind the fact that Jews were perpetrated throughout the years before Zionism even came into play of the situation.
Palestine and Israel have a big fight that should of ended long ago. During the late nineteenth hundreds the standard Zionist began a movement into the promised land known as Palestine to reclaim their ancestral homeland (The Origin of..). After moving into Palestine Zionists started to create an exclusive Jewish state, however the Arab community caught on to the movement and opposed this by not allowing Jewish immigration into Palestine along with not permitting them to buy land. Thus one can see the struggle Palestine and Israel are involved in currently, which has transformed the Promised Land into a place with extreme terrorism and constant bickering between the Jews and Arabs. Now Palestine is fighting for the land that was once
They were seen as the stronger military side by the rest of the world. The Arab states were left with little land or pride after the humiliation of the war. The PLO (Palestine Liberation Organisation) began to grow in size because the Palestinians were determined to fight for their homeland after this embarrassing defeat. Terrorism soon started to spread to Europe and other parts of the world like in 1972 when 9 Palestinians seized and killed 11 Israeli athletes at the Olympic Games.
-Israeli settlements--------------Should the Israelis take down the settlements and let Palestinian build their own? (land problem)
After more than 50 years of war, terrorism, peace negotiation and human suffering, Israel and Palestine remain as far from a peaceful settlement as ever. The entire Middle Eastern region remains a cauldron waiting to reach the boiling point, a potent mixture of religious extremism, (Jewish, Christian and Islamic), mixed with oil and munitions.
In 1948, the British mandate announced their intentions to terminate its mandate in Palestine due to the conflict between the Palestinians and the Jews. Britain faced difficulties trying to bring peace to Palestine. After the British mandate left Palestine, the Jewish people declared the establishment of a Jewish state (Israel). On the same day, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq intervened and this marked the first Arab-Israeli war. After this war, over 800,000 Palestinian Arabs became refugees as a result of the independence of Israel. Also, Jews in the Arab countries were made to abandon their properties and flee.
Throughout the period of World War II, many Jewish people had fled to Israel seeking a place for sanctuary due to Hitler’s reign of terror, but who knew that one of the most largest movements in the history of Europe would cause one of the biggest renowned issues that still remains today. We can easily conclude that both Palestinian and Israeli people both believe that Israel is a land of sacred, where both religions had made history in this land. Although one of the biggest issues that still remains today is who really deserves the land the most. The Palestinian people currently live in the land of Israel before the Jews had made their movement, but after letting in countless Jewish refugees into their land, the Jewish people had realized
Both the Jews and the Arabs have claims to the land because of the claim of the ancient territorial rights over areas in the Middle East. The area knows as Palestine has seen many waves of invasions from the Romans and the Egyptians. After WW1 Britain and France re-drew the borders to suit their needs. The British and French have made the situation between the Arabs and the Jews worse by making too many promises without a full understanding of both of the viewpoints.
For ages the Jewish population did not have a place to call home. They had been wandering around deserts, were once slaves in Egypt, but didn’t have any land to their name. Following the Holocaust, after many Jews had been persecuted by Hitler and the Nazis, a good portion of the overall amount of Jews in the world let alone Europe had been exterminated. As a result, Harry Truman and the UN suggested Israel, a homeland for the Jews. Tensions had been growing throughout the beginning of the 20th Century regarding the Palestinian area in the Middle East. This area was off to the side of Asia, near Africa. When the Jews and Arabs were offered part of this land, war broke out and still continues today. Even though a war happened as a result
The Middle East has long been home to very deep-rooted conflict. For too long, the citizens of the Middle East have lived in the central of death and fear. The animosity between few, takes the hope of hundreds. The Arab-Israeli-Palestinian conflict is most notably the largest issue preventing peace in the Middle East, but it is by no means the only issue. The issue of bankrolling and foreign aid are also issues preventing peace; because the U.S provides so much funding and foreign aid to certain countries, it is in some sense encouraging them to continue acting the way they act now and not change for the better of the region. It is also making the U.S look biased and can potentially cause issues for America in the long run, if they haven’t already. There is also the conflict of the Persian Gulf; the importance of these “new” resources and how it could affect the world economy and also the balancing of powers in the Persian Gulf; The U.S and the Middle Eastern nations will need to work to together to bring about security and stability into the Persian Gulf and hopefully it can overflow to the Middle East as well.
The conflict between Israel and Palestine is just one of the many facets that have shaped modern day politics in the Middle East. It is a conflict rooted in generations of violence, discrimination and prejudice that is complicated by a history older than any of the modern day superpowers. Ever since the creation of the state of Israel by the 1947 UN partition of Palestine
The Israel-Palestine Conflict The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a part of the greater Arab-Israeli long-running conflict in the Middle East. The main point of this conflict is the existence of the state of Israel and its relations with Arab states and with the Palestinian population in the area. The idea and concept of Israel was born in the mid 19th century. Jews of Europe and America wanted a place for their homeland, where they could go and be with others of the same race and religion. Palestine was chosen because of its religious routs from The Bible as the “promised land” from God, and the motherland of Jews fled, known as the Diaspora.
This conflict is among Jews and Arabs. Palestine for the Arabs is a land whose Oil has been cultivated by them for generations. Israel, as later called by the Jews, is a land of inspiration that is destined for them, since many Jews had been living in Israel and emigrating previously (Fraser,1). This shows the Socio-Political and religious roots of the conflict. The Arabic population is currently located in Jerusalem, but the Jewish Population in Israel has a strong desire of relocating to Jerusalem someday, and have been fighting for this to happen