
Conflict Management Scenarios

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Introduction This case study will analyze my understanding of conflict management as well as getting a sense of my style of conflict management. During this case study, I will apply my working knowledge of resolving conflicts within the workplace as well as using the articles available through the required reading for Unit II to aid in developing a process to resolve the conflict from the scenario of my choosing. For this case study, I have chosen to use scenario #1 with respect to handling a workplace investigation as well as understanding various laws, steps needed for notifying proper agencies and people as well as listing investigation procedures used during the conflict management investigation.
Scenario Chosen When choosing a scenario …show more content…

During the interview with each person, it would be important to take notes for documentation as well as asking open-ended question, which would allow the person to give answers that are more detailed. Additionally it would be beneficial to have each person give a written account of their understanding of the situation and how they viewed the events. Klein (2010) noted that Weingarten rights are the understanding that each person is allowed a union representative during the interview if applicable or other types of representation when no union is involved as a measure to ensure they understand all aspects of the …show more content…

How did this harassment impact you both personally and in relationship to your job and the performance of your job
3. Were their witnesses to the event or is there a paper trail, recording such as voice mail or even private messages on social media
4. How would you like this situation resolved and do you have any other information that is pertinent to the case at hand.
For the Alleged Harasser
1. What do you feel about the allegations against you? In addition, if you feel they are unsubstantiated why do you feel the complainant would make these allegations?
2. Do you have anyone that can add information, documentation or other evidence pertaining to the allegations?
3. What is your understanding of the situation(s) being called into investigation where sexual abuse allegations are concerned?
For Third Party/Witnesses
1. What have you seen or heard and can you describe the incident(s) in detail using your own words.
2. Did you personally view this harassment or were you informed by someone else and if by someone else who and what did they say?
3. Do you know of anyone or anything else that should be taken into consideration where this situation is

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