Introduction This case study will analyze my understanding of conflict management as well as getting a sense of my style of conflict management. During this case study, I will apply my working knowledge of resolving conflicts within the workplace as well as using the articles available through the required reading for Unit II to aid in developing a process to resolve the conflict from the scenario of my choosing. For this case study, I have chosen to use scenario #1 with respect to handling a workplace investigation as well as understanding various laws, steps needed for notifying proper agencies and people as well as listing investigation procedures used during the conflict management investigation.
Scenario Chosen When choosing a scenario
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During the interview with each person, it would be important to take notes for documentation as well as asking open-ended question, which would allow the person to give answers that are more detailed. Additionally it would be beneficial to have each person give a written account of their understanding of the situation and how they viewed the events. Klein (2010) noted that Weingarten rights are the understanding that each person is allowed a union representative during the interview if applicable or other types of representation when no union is involved as a measure to ensure they understand all aspects of the …show more content…
How did this harassment impact you both personally and in relationship to your job and the performance of your job
3. Were their witnesses to the event or is there a paper trail, recording such as voice mail or even private messages on social media
4. How would you like this situation resolved and do you have any other information that is pertinent to the case at hand.
For the Alleged Harasser
1. What do you feel about the allegations against you? In addition, if you feel they are unsubstantiated why do you feel the complainant would make these allegations?
2. Do you have anyone that can add information, documentation or other evidence pertaining to the allegations?
3. What is your understanding of the situation(s) being called into investigation where sexual abuse allegations are concerned?
For Third Party/Witnesses
1. What have you seen or heard and can you describe the incident(s) in detail using your own words.
2. Did you personally view this harassment or were you informed by someone else and if by someone else who and what did they say?
3. Do you know of anyone or anything else that should be taken into consideration where this situation is
2. I have spoken with the applicant and can attest to his ability as professional to handle all duties and responsibilities that inherently accompany the Sexual Assault Victim Advocate collateral. He is trustworthy, professional, and dependable with a high degree of integrity and character. He embodies the attributes and characteristics required to interact and engage with personnel at all levels within the Victim Advocate program. He is confident and willing that he can perform the duties of a victim advocate. In addition, this individual understands the duties that will be required, and have the assurance he will maintain the victim's privacy, as required by law
Marcus Ashmore and Terrell Lee Green were maintenance workers for J.P. Thayer Co., Inc. under supervisor Gene Fye. After a particular incident of harassment on January 16, 2001, Plaintiffs reported Fye to Tricia Johnson, the Assistant Property Manager. At this time, Johnson did nothing about the complaint. The harassment continued, and on January 26, Plaintiffs complained to the Property Manager, Mary Frances de Rivera. In response, de Rivera verbally reprimanded Fye. This, however, did not stop Fye’s harassment. Instead of reporting the behavior to Defendant, Plaintiffs hired an attorney who wrote a letter to Defendant saying that Ashmore and Green were going to file charges of discrimination with the EEOC. On February 22, Fye was fired by Defendant. This came three days after getting the letter and about a month after the initial harassment complaints.
STATEMENT OF FACTS: Sheila White interviewed with Marvin Brown and obtained a job as a “track laborer” with Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Company. Shortly after her hire date, however, she assumed forklift operator duties. This new assignment still fell under the “track laborer” position description, and White occasionally performed those duties although her primary responsibility was operating the forklift. Three months into her new job, White complained to the company that her immediate supervisor was sexually harassing her on the job. He was temporarily suspended and required to attend sexual harassment training. White was then informed that she was being reassigned to track labor duties only. White
12/21 this worker messaged Lamyia at 9:51am letting her know this worker never heard from her. 9:53am Laymyia messaged this worker that she had stopped to see her children and went home to cry herself to sleep. Lamyia was very stressed out about everything. 11:38am this worker messed Lamyia and told her that is why she needed to call this worker so we could talk and get things stared and going for Lamyia. This worker also wanted to speak with her about Christmas gifts going to the children in the foster home not to her because they are for the children while they are in care. 11:45AM This worker spoke with Lamyia on the phone. Lamyia told this worker that Mike O'Neil was going to get involved in her case and she may be charged criminally for the child abuse. Lamyia was worried about being arrested and sitting in jail rather than working on her services. Lamyia told
Plaintiff, Deborah Burke, submits this memorandum in opposition to Defendant Strickland Watson Pierce, P.C.’s Motion to Dismiss. Plaintiff’s retaliation claim should not be dismissed because she exhausted all the administrative remedies by filing a charge of discrimination with the EEOC and being terminated during the investigation. Jones v. Calvert Group, Ltd., 551 F.3d 297 (4th Cir. 2009); Clockedile v. New Hampshire Dept. of Corr., 245 F.3d 1 (1st Cir. 2001); Franceschi v. U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, 514 F.3d 81 (1st Cir. 2008). Further, the conduct she suffered in the workplace was sufficiently severe to qualify as a sexually hostile environment. The Court should deny the motion.
The company offered inconsistent versions of why Mr. Gill was terminated and who did the termination. They were indifferent to Mr. Gill’s concerns and did nothing to address those employees engaging in blatant racial harassment even after other black employees complained and, most damaging, the company retaliated against Mr. Gill when he complained by terminating his
Give both parties a chance to tell their side of the story. It is important in the investigation process that it is free of bias. Also the employer wants avoid retaliation or any adverse action against the employee that filed the complaint (Bethel University, 2016). After the investigation is complete the employer will still need to closely monitor their efforts to remedy harassment (Walsh, 2013).
However, in this case, Saundra Davis wasn’t the only conflict of interest Vance had issues with; Vance had a second altercation with another co-worker named Connie McVicker. For her part, McVicker called Vance a “porch money” and used the term “nigger” to refer to both her and other African-American students. Vance was informed co-worker McVicker family has connections to the Ku Klux Klan. Vance was frightened, she claimed both co-workers used racial slur towards her in the workplace. When Vance reported the harassment to the University’s Compliance Office, Kimes investigated the complaints. During the process, Kimes was very rude and a little prejudice; he refused to shake Vance’s hand. After the investigation was completed Davis walked away freely, Kimes exhorted both Davis and Vance to “respect” each other in the workplace. Co-workers witnessed Davis daughter accosted Vance on campus, making racist threaten statements. The co-workers who witnessed the complaints should have come forward, but instead, they keep quite. Vance complained to the EEOC and filed harassment charges proclaimed Davis violated her civil rights and denied her breaks, in response to the investigations no sign of
I do not understand why Felicia Hendrix, Probation Officer Manager would encourage an employee to write a letter making false statements, defaming my character of being a racist so that she can gain supervision of training Ms. Amibeth Grandy. This is a form of retaliation, hatred blatantly toward me. These allegations are extremely hurtful. I treat everyone the same regardless of their gender, race or nationality with professionalism and fairness.
I believe it is necessary for me to file a lawsuit for defamation of character, and sexual harassment, because this is the only way for me to stop the rumors about me that started with the Process Support Supervision Shelia Bradley in the Documentation Production Department. I cannot help but think that my undoing was because I did not lie about the Former District Clerk Gary Fitzsimmons, and when I think about all the things that happened to me when I did not comply. I wish I had, and then again when I think about it, I am glad that I did not, because this could have all have been a trap with no way out. It all started with a meeting called by Shelia
Aiv) Explain the correct action to take if an individual tells you they are being abused.
2. Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused
The victim services professional I interviewed was Rene Carter, victim/witness assistant with the Cumberland County’s District Attorney’s Office. The criminal justice agent I interviewed was Detective M. Wooten, with the Fayetteville Police Department. Detective Wooten is a detective and has worked in different divisions of investigation to include property unit, person’s unit, robbery unit, and aggravated assault unit. Each person was asked the same question and the following are the answers to those questions:
‘If I suspect abuse through noticing a sign of physical abuse or change in the behaviour of an individual, I will make sure that I ask the individual what has happened telling the individual the changes that I have noticed. If it is in my place of work and the name of the person that abused the individual is known, whether staff or another service user, I must also record and report this. I will listen to the individual carefully; it is up to them to tell me, I would not ask them any questions about this as this is not part of my job role and would stay calm.I will make sure that I record what the individual tells me using the individual’s own words. I will make sure that I reassure the individual and explain that their safety is the most important and that it is my duty of care to tell the manager. I will make sure that I let my manager know what has happened immediately and pass
In this case study we will be analyzing a conflict between coworkers from "Not on My Sabbath" by Joy Koesten. The situation involves a woman, Joan, who has been highly successful in the agency in which she works. A problem arises between her and her coworker/superior, Sue, who is seemingly jealous of Joan's quick success. Sue ends up making a change to Joan's job description that conflicts with her religious practices. We will be analyzing their goals, styles, tactics, and approaches to this conflict.